The Hard Part

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These couple weeks past and I am now at by brothers' graduation. I held Cole's hand as they called my 3 brothers up to the stage.

"JC, Nathan, and Max Matthews. it's been an honor to be your principle, even with the long hours with you and the pranks, but it's been good fun." The 3 nodded, and Nathan went up to make his Valedictorian speech.

"Fellow classmates, we have all been waiting for this day since the first day freshman year, now look at us. We grew up, moved on from being friends, and now I we're a family. We went through a lot of crap, but we got out of it. I can safely say that I could have a personal heart-to-heart conversation with all of you individually. I loved being a part of all the guys sports teams, going to most of the girls sports events, and being very school spirited with these 2." He said gesturing to Max and JC. After about 5 minutes, his speech was up. And after 25 minutes, everyone had their diplomas in hand and they were ready to throw their caps.

"Congratulations to this years graduating class of 2015!" And after that, all the caps were in the air and there was a bunch of cheering.

I had to leave right away, so I gently place my lips on Cole's, that was the hard part. Then I made my way through the rows and over by where my dad and brothers were. I gave each of them a hug and kiss on the cheek and then smiled and started walking to my car. That was a harder part. Until I heard my name being called.

"Rylie!" I turned and saw the beautiful boy running toward me.

"Seth!" I said surprised to see him here.

"You couldn't possibly think that you could leave without saying goodbye to me, your best friend, did you?"

"No, I-I couldn't imagine that Seth."

"Good." He said pulling me into a hug. He grabbed my hand and started walking me to my car. "I'm really gonna miss you Matthews. How did loverboy take it?"


"You didn't tell him!?!"

"Not exactly."

"You're in deep s*** Matthews."

"Shutup Collins." He smirked. "Well, I'd better get going." He nodded and kissed my cheek. I went to kiss his, but got distracted by Cole looking around for me and the next thing I knew, my lips were on Seth's. It felt like electricity was hitting every single place in me. I knew it was wrong, but I don't think either of us wanted to stop. Then I opened my eyes and saw Cole looking at me. I saw an endless amount of hurt in his eyes and he walked over to Cam. I pulled away from Seth and looked in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I went to kiss your cheek, then I got distracted and-"

"Don't sweat it Matthews." He said kissing my cheek and walking away. I got in my car and started to drive away when I saw Cole running after me.

"Matthews, what the f*** is going on?"

"Cole, I can explain. I-"

"No, I can't believe that you are going to leave without telling me."

"I didn't want to hurt you Cole."

"Well it's too s***ing late for that now isn't it."


"No, I'm going, you have a plane to catch that you didn't tell me about. Anything else you need to get off your chest?"

"They told you I'll be gone for 1 month, but the reality of it is I'll be gone about all summer."

"Great." He said walking away. I rolled my eyes and drove away, singing Don't by Ed Sheeran. I watched my city pass as I drove to the airport to go to Mexico.

I put my luggage where it needed to go and my flight got called. I walked with a group of people to the boarding area and we were loaded on the plane. I sat in the window seat and a woman sat next to me.

"Hi, my husband got seated 3 rows ahead, and we were wondering if you would possibly switch places."

"Oh, yeah, of course." I said smiling. I switched seats with the man and took the window seat before the person who was going to sit next to me had the chance. Suddenly, a boy, looking my age, sat down next to me.

"Hi." He said not lifting his eyes from his phone.

"Hi." I said looking at him. He looked up from his phone and his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"I- I'm Collin."

"I'm Rylie."

"It's nice to meet you Rylie." He said and I saw drool forming in his mouth.

"You too."

"So why are you going to Mexico might I ask."

"My cousin lives there and wanted me to visit, and since its summer, I decided to go."

"Ooh, who's your cousin, maybe I know her."

"Well, his name is Ricardo Matthews."

"Oh, he's a him?"


"Okay... Well lucky for you, Ricardo Matthews lives a minute or two away from me, we went to the same school for the past couple years."

"Awesome." I said smiling.

"So.... You got a boyfriend?"

"Yes and no... I don't know anymore. I didn't tell him that I was going to Mexico for the summer and he found out from one of my brothers and freaked out and he seemed pissed and happy that I am going away."

"You shouldn't let a guy treat you like that. If I were him, I would've tried to understand and I wouldn't let a girl like you slip away from me."

"A girl like me?"

"A beautiful one." I smiled. "See what I mean, you could be a supermodel Rylie mi amor."

"Gracias Collin." I said smiling.

"De nada Rylie." He said taking my hand and kissing it. There was wifi on the plane so that was good, there wasn't really cell service but at least I could text. I texted all of my brothers and Seth telling them that I'm okay and I'm on the plane. A couple of them responded and the rest left me on read.

"You text your boyfriend?"

"No, I texted my brothers and the guy that I wish was my boyfriend. He's been my friend since we were really young and I know that he's the one that I want to be with."

"I know the feeling. My best friend Lana is dating a guy that I don't really get along with, she's dated him in the past, and I know that he'll just break her heart again. I've tried keeping my mind off of her for the longest time, hoping that he'll go away, but he never does. I always hang around her and her family treats me like I'm a part of the family. I told her that I've never actually kissed a girl and then I always kiss her cheek and say that there's only one girl that I want to kiss and when she asks me who, I chicken out and say it's too personal."

"That sounds pretty familiar."


"That describes my best friend and I, except, I know that he'll never want to go out with me cause.... Wait.."

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