Yandere Ex Weiss Schnee X Symbiote User Male Reader (Lemon)

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(Y/N L/N used to be the boyfriend of Weiss Schnee until she broke up with Y/N. He then left Beacon and became Vale's lethal protector known as Lasher. He is currently killing all of Roman's henchmen and White Fang Soldiers alike.)

Lasher: That's it?

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Lasher: That's it?

Roman: (sighs) Never send some filthy animals to do a criminal's job.

(Roman aims his Melodic Cudgel at Lasher and starts shooting him, but he isn't fazed at all as he charges at the criminal. Suddenly Neo comes in, piloting an Atlesian Paladin which shoots Laster, who survives from the explosion and uses his tendrils to rip off the Paladin's parts.)

Roman: (eyes widen) Neo! NO!

(Lashes lifts up the legs of the paladin as he throws them at Roman, killing him. As he goes to kill Neo, but notices she is gone.)

Lasher: Well, she's gone...

(Out of a sudden, four Atlas Soldiers come in and had some supersonic weapons.)

Lasher: Damn it...

Atlas Soldier: FIRE!

(They fire as Lasher's symbiote weakens, and then they pin Y/N down as one of them injects a syringe on his neck, making him weak as his eyes het heavier and he closes his eyes.)


(Y/N wakes up with a painful headache and a pitch-black view. He staggers to stand up and move forward with his hands streched out. He feels cold in his hands and yells for help, only to hear his echoes. Suddenly something opens and Y/N hears fire crackling, multiple steps, and shadows approaching.)

????: Leave us now.

Atlas Soldier: Understood.

(As they walk away, the unknown figure turns on the lights, revealing to be Weiss Schnee.)

Weiss: Oh, darling, you're finally awake! I've been waiting for a long time, dear~ I was worried that you didn't wake up when the sun came up.

Y/N: What are you talking about, ice queen?

(She then chokes Y/N and punches him in the face, but as he was about to pass out, she hugs and kisses him. As Y/N tries to push she off, she squeezes him and looks at him with dead eyes.)

Weiss: Why are you suddenly pushing me off? I'm just hugging you, I'm not doing anything wrong, so why?

Y/N: Weiss, you broke up with me, remember?

Weiss: And I regret that. (yandere tone) And now, so will you for trying to push me off.

(She then rips off Y/N's pants and starts sucking off his member while doing some boobjob. Some minutes later, he cums, and then she positions herself on his member.)

Weiss: Now for phase two!

(She slams herself on Y/N's member and wastes no tome bouncing roughly for 30 minutes until Y/N's member twitches.)

Y/N: Weiss... stop...

(She puts his head between her breasts.)

Weiss: Shut up and cum inside of me!

(Y/N cums inside of Weiss, but she keeps moving roughly,)

Weiss: More... More... MOOOOOOOOORE!

(She keeps fucking Y/N until he loses consciousness.)

(Ever since that day, Y/N could never leave Weiss, and they got married as Y/N became a hollow shell of his former self.)

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