Yandere Bully Pyrrha X Bullied Ultraman Neos (Suit) OC

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(Ryan Terrence is known as Ultraman Neos, however his life isn't all flowers. He has a problem at Beacon Academy named Pyrrha Nikos. She always bullies and picks on him. What he didn't know is that she does this because she loves him, and is willing to remove anyone who tries to take him from her.)

(Ryan is seen at Combat Class as he tries his best to avoid contact with anyone else, but then Glynda annouces.)

Glynda: Is anyone here willing to fight?

Pyrrha: (raises her hand) I am, Miss Goodwitch!

Glynda: And who shall be your opponent?

(She tries to look for Ryan, and finally sees him.)

Pyrrha: (points at Ryan) That little twerp in there.

(Everyone looks at Ryan as some smirk deviously while others get concerned about him, especially Velvet, who has a crush on him.)

Glynda: Very well, would you both go to the Arena?

(Feeling he has no choice, Ryan walks around, and then they prepare to fight.)

Glynda: Begin!

(Ryan decides to activate his Ultraman Neos Suit, much to everyone's surprise.)

Jaune: No way...

Nora: I almost feel bad for Pyrrha's legs.

Ren: Nora, you know breaking legs isn't allowed in here, right?

(Nora pouts as Ryan launches an Ultra Light-Lunger at Pyrrha's shield, much to her shock, and then he kicks her away.)

Neos: What's the matter, Ms

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Neos: What's the matter, Ms. Nikos? Did I break one of your toys?

(Ryan charges at Pyrrha, who tries to use her semblance, but he quickly reacts and starts beating her.)

Neos: You have always made fun of me, Pyrrha! Always rubbed your fame in my face! Always forced me to do your chores while you were busy fawning over a faker.

(Everyone gets shocked, except for Cardin, who knows who Ryan is referring to.)

Neos: But this ends today!

(He throws Pyrrha into the wall and prepares for the finisher.)


(He hits Pyrrha with his beam, knocking her out.)

Glynda: The winner is Ryan Terrence.

(Everyone got shocked by seeing Pyrrha defeated by a mere human. But some of them were proud of him fighting back.)


(Ryan is seen at the cafeteria as he sits beside Velvet and Coco.)

Coco: You were awesome, Ryan.

Velvet: Yeah, you really fought back.

Ryan: Well, I had to do it someday.

Velvet: Indeed. By the way, could you... um... go out with me?

(Ryan gets shocked by being asked by a girl for a date, but then he smiles.)

Ryan: Gladly, Velvet.

Velvet: AWESOME! (kisses Ryan) See you at 8 o'clock P.M.

(Velvet walks away excitedly as Coco pats his shoulder.)

Coco: Good luck, Ryan.

Ryan: Thanks, Coco.

(What none of them knew is that Pyrrha, who somehow managed to leave the infirmary, watched everything and gritted her teeth in annoyance.)

Pyrrha: First you fight back and now you decide to date a bunny freak? Looks like I'll have to take drastic measures!

(She slowly walks away due to the pain she still feels.)

(A few moments later, Ryan and Velvet are walking to a park as they notice everything is quiet.)

Ryan: Weird, normally there would be plenty of people around here. Sure, some people are a bunch of assholes, but nevertheless...

(Suddenly a scream is heard, and they go to check it out, but what they see next shocks them. Pyrrha is seen brutally beating Jaune to death.)

Jaune: (weakly) Why...

Pyrrha: Because I have no use for you anymore.

(Ryan then decides to confront Pyrrha.)

Ryan: So instead of taking responsibility, you pin the blame on the others. Sure, Jaune did fake his way into Beacon. But even he-

(Pyrrha stabs Ryan's right leg with her spear and approaches him.)

Pyrrha: Shut up! I don't care if what happened to me was my fault or not! You're mine! MINE! DO YOU HEAR ME?

(Ryan gets confused, and as Velvet is about to confront Pyrrha, she is suddenly stopped as she looks to notice Jaune's Crocea Mors impaled in her chest.)

Pyrrha: At least everyone will think it was this faker.

Ryan: (gets up) Not if I can stop this!

(Ryan prepares to transform, but then Pyrrha grabs his neck and laughs deviously)


(She then forces a kiss onto his lips as he tries to push her away, only for her to keep on kissing him. She then goes apart of the kiss.)

Pyrrha: You might not understand yet, but you will soon learn that you belong to me. FOREVER!

(She laughs as she drags Ryan away. Over time, she manages to break Ryan, making him accept her as his lover.)

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