Chapter Two

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Tap, tap.

The phone fell from my hand as I jumped out of my skin. I jumped again at the loud clang as it landed on the floor.

My bed was in the same room as the door. And now, I was standing right next to it. The knock I had heard was soft and quiet, but there was no doubt it was right next to me. My heart pounded frantically, chills running down my body.

After a few moments of silence, my heartbeat slowed. I began to think it had been my imagination. But just as I was reaching down to pick up my phone, I heard it again. Louder this time, a firm tap on the door. Right next to me.

Tap, tap.

My entire body froze. My heartbeat sped up again. The knock seemed to momentarily silence the entire room. It was low and soft, but seemed deafening in the darkness.

A third knock spurred me into action. I turned and ran as far away from the door as I could. As soon as I was close enough, I leapt into bed, the same way I had used to in my usual bedroom after turning the light off. I had been afraid of the darkness shrouding my room and desperate to get under the covers.

I could feel my heart thudding beneath me. I gripped the bedsheets tightly, afraid to move. I winced at the loud sounds I had been making. Now whoever was outside knew I was in here.

I listened closely. But after a long, panicked minute of silence, the only sound I could hear was my heart thudding rapidly against my ribcage.

I slowly managed to pull myself up and push my body under the covers. I tried to make as little sound as possible, every little rustle making my hairs stand on end. Once I was under the covers, I went over what I had just heard and what it meant.

There was somebody at the door. That thought sent a shudder down my spine. I forced myself to calm down. I tried to think of a logical explanation to distract myself from the panic I felt.

Was it room service? That thought made me scoff. What hotel provided room service at this hour?

Was it one of the other guests, playing a joke? That seemed likely. Probably a knock and run, like my little brothers used to do to our neighbors.

Then I remembered how vacant the hotel had seemed when we arrived. We didn't see a single other person, aside from the lady at the front desk who greeted us. It had been late, but she had told us that not many people came to this hotel. She had been surprised, almost eager to see us.

But there had to be somebody who knocked on the door. Somebody playing a sick joke. My heartbeat slowly reduced as I convinced myself of that. I didn't hear anything now. No knocks, no shuffling, no voices outside. Whoever was there must have left.

I felt a wave of relief course through my body as I burrowed myself into the covers. Maybe it had been my imagination after all. Maybe the unfamiliar location was making me imagine things. Now I just needed to deal with the usual unease I felt at night.

The next moment, I needed to go to the bathroom.

I tried to ignore the urge, but I couldn't. With a sigh, I forced myself out of bed again. I really didn't want to, but I wasn't going anywhere near the door this time.

The uncomfortable chill returned as I headed out of my room and made my way to the bathroom. I kept expecting to hear the return again, but I didn't hear anything until I was halfway down the hall.

I froze as my frantic heartbeat returned. But it wasn't knocking this time. It was something even more eerie. A low, quiet voice, calling out to me.

"Dawn... Dawn..."

Tales of Gloomsdale #3: Awake at SunriseWhere stories live. Discover now