C H A P T E R 11 (oh sweet luca )

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Underneath the expansive Seoul night sky, Xiaomi and I found ourselves intricately woven into a tapestry of conversation within the dimly lit confines of a quaint café. The soft luminescence of flickering candles painted a dance of shadows upon our faces, setting the stage for a discourse that promised revelations yet to be unraveled. The ambiance, steeped in a subtle mystique, hinted at a complexity that mirrored the intricacies of the secrets poised to unfurl.As we settled into our respective seats, an unspoken tension hung in the air, gradually thickening with each passing moment. Xiaomi, enveloped in an enigmatic aura, began dropping hints that transcended the boundaries of our shared reality. Her words, delivered with an alluring sass, left me simultaneously bewildered and undeniably intrigued, akin to the opening scenes of an intricately woven drama."So, Luca," she began, her eyes locking onto mine with a calculated gaze, "you know, I'm flying to America soon."Genuine surprise etched across my features. "America? What for?"A coy smile played on her lips as she leaned back, her words carrying a certain weight that demanded deciphering. "Oh, just for something special. You know, marriage stuff."The phrase lingered in the air, an utterance that injected an undercurrent of disbelief into the atmosphere. I navigated through a labyrinth of emotions, attempting to grapple with the unexpected turn our conversation had taken. "Marriage? Congratulations. But, who's the fortunate gentleman?"Xiaomi's response exuded delight and secrecy in equal measure. "He's someone extraordinary, Luca. Wealthy, charming, and, oh, did I mention he's a model? A symbol of success."The puzzle pieces began to fall into place, yet the answer remained elusive. "But, Xiaomi, who is he? Share more about this mysterious man."A glint of amusement danced in her eyes as she deftly deflected my question, choosing instead to revel in the grandeur of her impending nuptials. "That's the interesting part. His identity will be a secret, completely anonymous. In every picture we take together, my face will be blurred. A marriage veiled in mystery, you could say."Surprise rippled through me as the revelation sank in. The shadows of secrecy had woven a tapestry that blurred the lines between reality and fiction. My mind grappled with this unexpected twist—Xiaomi, the woman I was meant to marry, embarking on a clandestine union with a man whose identity remained concealed.The night unfolded, our footsteps tracing the city streets, each step echoing the surreal atmosphere of our conversation. The vibrant cityscape, once a backdrop to our shared dreams, now bore witness to the unraveling of a narrative steeped in unforeseen twists.As the enigmatic tale continued to unfold, I found myself reintroducing the person I thought I knew. Xiaomi's concealed marriage, now entangled with shadows and obscured faces, left me grappling with the fragments of our past and the mysteries that now defined our intertwined destinies. The Seoul night, once a canvas of shared memories, now stood witness to the veiled unveilings of a connection caught in the web of unexpected revelations.In this nocturnal symphony, each revelation was a note, resonating with the complex harmony of emotions, and as the night unfolded, so too did the layers of intrigue and uncertainty. The narrative unfolded like a delicate origami, revealing new facets of our intertwined destinies. In the echoes of our footsteps against the city's heartbeat, the enigma of Xiaomi's veiled marriage became an ethereal melody lingering in the night air, as if the universe itself conspired to orchestrate the unfolding of a story that transcended the boundaries of ordinary existence.

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