First Day

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm it had been a year since Dadzawa rescued me and it was my first day at U.A and I was nerveous to say the very least I kept thinking of multipe scenerios on how everything could go wrong and that voice in my head that knows all my insicurties was becoming the loudest in the room I dropped to the ground barely being able to breath I was clutching my chest and as if Dad had some sort of sensor he came running  to find me having a full blown panic attack it felt as if I was drowning as if I couldn't breath like as if I was going to die as if it was all over I was sobbing while shaking like a leaf"Y/n look at breath in and out in and out".When I finally calmed down he hugged and took me in his arms patting the back of my head "It's okay sweetheart breathe"he helped get up and sat me down on my bed then left so I could get changed I put on my school uniform and brushed my hair I was still kinda shaken up from the panic attack as I had a scared look on my face and my legs were shaking"Woah y/n are you okay?!"it was Shinsou my legs decided to give up on me at that moment making me fall but he caught me he then carried me all the way to the car where that was waiting Shinsou didn't let me go the whole car ride as if I was going to disapear when we finally got to school he gently placed me down on the seat besides and got out of the car then streaching his hand for me to take witch I took still shaking he helped out of the car"Shinsou take Y/n to the 1-A classroom I have to go do something before class and I don't want her without supervision right now"before I could protest that I could go by myself dad left"Remember breath ok"Shinsou took me to 1-A reminding me about my breathing ecxersices and telling me to make sure to eat cause I looked as if I was going to pass out"Have a good day Y/n"he hugged a good bye before letting me go in when I walked in there was a bunch of people already there I must have looked nervous because a guy with fluffy green hair came up to me"Hey are you okay?My name is Izuku Midoryia"he looked so happy and cheerful"H-hi my name is Y/n l/n"I streched out my hand for him to shake it but he just hugged me"You looked like you needed a hug"I did need a hug so I just hugged him back tightly"T-thank you"I said as I burried my face into his shoulder we finally pulled apart and luckliy no one was staring I don't think they even noticed Izuku then took my hand and led me to introduce everyone"Hi guys this is y/n l/n and these are Tenya Iida ,Ochaco ,Uraraka Tsyuyu Asu and Shoto Torodoki"they all greeted me kindly"You look really pale perhaps you need to eat or sleep more"Iida said making weird choping movements with his hands as I was about to reply I was cut short by a pink alien girl"OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SOOO PRETTY MY NAME IS MINA ASHIDO"she took my hand and led me to another group of people"Hi my name is Eijiro Kirishima"a guy with spiky red hair said with a smile revealing his shark like teeth"Hello pretty lady my name is Denki Kaminari"a the person then took my hand and shook it"Stop it dunce face my name I Bakugo Katsuki"he had spiky blonde hair and red eyes"M-my name is Y/n L/n"I looked down to the floor while holding my hand"Oi look at me when i'm speaking"Bakugo said with an intimidating tone I was looking at the ground not to be rude but because I was getting dizzy and trying to concentrate on a spot on the ground but I was forced to look up"What the hell white paint has more color than you"Bakugo said sitting up and putting his feat off the desk I guess that caught the attention of the dekusquad because they came running over I started coughing barely being able to breath getting really dizzy I almost fainted but I caught my self and held on to a desk"ARE YOU OKAY" "WHAT HAPPEND" I started getting bombarted with questions"Good morning class-"dad stop short and came over to me and helped me walk over to my desk he then came up to the front of the class and said"I'm Mr.Aizawa and I think you all deserve an explanition about what just happend Y/n is my adoptive daughter and I rescued her from her abusive enviorment and after doing so I discoverd that her health is very bad so she has a lot of trouble breathing she also faints and her bones aren't that strong she is practiclly made out of glass she also has anxiety and regular panic attacks"And trough out the whole explanasion I just stared at the ground why did he have to say all that I knew he had no ill intent but still.After we all introduced ourselves Dadzawa fell asleep in his yellow sleeping bag I stood up from my desk that was at the front off the room so Dadzawa could keep an eye on me and ran to the bathroom I needed to get away because everyone had their eyes on me checking on me to see if I was okay.As soon as I got out of the room I heard footsteps behind me I stoped and looked around quickly were can I go then I had it I ran all the way up the stairs taking many turns till I got to an empty classroom I knew they were behind me there was no escape so I just curled up into a ball and sat down"Come on y/n lets get back to class"Kirishima said patting my shoulder and kneeling down beside me he got up and streched out his hand he didn't let go till we got to class as if I was going to dissapear luckily Dadzawa was still asleep so I was interogated"Y/n why did you run away you could have had a panic attack or fainted or gotten hurt what if you started having trouble breathing"Iida said while everyone else nodded"Becasue you were all looking at me as if I was going to disapear not taking your eyes off me for a second"I whisper yelled"Because were worried!"Izuku yelled I stood up and hugged then"Thank you my parents never cared for me"I said as I wiped a tear of my eye.

Thanks for reading see you next time byeee 

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