Mental breakdown

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⚠️Ok so quick disclaimer in this book Im NOT making fun of people with anxiety I got a message on my inbox of some one saying that "You are so disrespectful by making fun of anxiety" this book is inspired by my own personal expirinces with anxiety and panic attacks⚠️

Y/n POV:

I had noticed that after what happend on the first day everybody seemed protective over me asking me"How you feeling?" or "ARE YOU OKAY YOU LOOK PAIL?!"and I honestly thought it was really sweet since my parents really never cared I remember one day I fainted and I woke up to my parents yelling at me then they grabbed me and started punching me we'll my dad was my mom just stood there while drinking her bottle of wine staring coldly at me not caring as if she had no emotion towards me I don't know why but she was always like this to me ignoring me being cold and distant but I vividly remember one night my dad was really ,really drunk and he looked angry all hell he then spotted us and started coming towards us we both new that he was going to beat us up really badly and thats when my mom looked at me and said"Y/n run and hide in your room then cover your ears and I'm so sorry my baby that you have to put up with this"she started to cry while bending down and hugging me I was only five and this was the first time I was exprienceing motherly love so I also started to cry and as I saw my father getting closer my mom pushed me encouriging me to go so I ran as fast as I could till I got to my room I grabbed my light blue fluffy blanket and my bunny stuffed animal and hugged my bunny stuffed animal as tight as I could I didn't cover my ears till I heard my mother's screams and the sound of my dad hitting her I started tearing up hearing the sound it was one off the most truamatazing times of my life and when it was over I heard the loud slaming of the my parents bedroom and I ran to the kitchen were my mom laid silently crying I came running to her she then sat up and when she saw me she slapped me"Th-this all your fault you stupid child if I would have never had you this wouldn't happen idiot"she then violently grabbed my hand and placed her on her face"Now heal me NOW"she yelled at me and when I didn't she started digging her nails into my wrist till it bleed witch made heal her but sadly I couldn't heal myself she then stood up and pushed me to the ground.


Denki was shaking my shoulder I sat up quicker that flash himself I then touched my face it was wet with tears.Was I crying?I coverd my face with my hand"I'm fine denki"no I'm not i'm tired of crying tired of lying yeah i'm smiling but inside i'm dying I wanted to scream that but it was just easier to say i'm fine"Why you crying?"it was Bakugo he then took my hand off my face I was quickly wrapped in hugs.As I was walking outside of the school building I was stopped"And where do you think you're going?"Shinsou said crossing his arms"Oh I just wanted to walk home I got a lot on my mind"I scratched the back of my neck Shinsou just grabbed my hand and started leading me to the car"Um no you're not you're too fragile to be alone.What if you faint or can't breathe?"I started trying to break free"Let me go!"I tried pushing his hand away but he was too strong he looked at me and I was in a trance I was as if I was there but not really there I snapped out of it when I felt a slight nudge on my shoulder and my seatbelt being put on I was in the car Shonsou closed the door then Papa(Mic) came running and sat down on the passenger seat"Shinsou!"I glared at him"What wrong little listener"Papa turned around"Sorry Y/n It's for your own good"Shinsou said crossing his arms and looking out the window"Y/n for the last time you're to frail you're health it's not good you often have trouble breathing and you faint and what if you have a panic attack and you didn't even ask for permisson to walk home we would have gotten really worried"Dadzawa said and I knew not to argue because he was right I was weak and fragile.When we got out of the car Dad patted my head and we headed inside after eating I grabbed a glass off water and headed to my room to do my homework I started solving some maths problems and I got to one that was really hard and I tried and tried but I couldn't solve it I then heard a loud crash  form downstairs witch brought me back to my childhood and that was enough to send me over the edge I started having a panic attack and imdieantly started  sobbing while shaking I tried drinking water to calm down but I just dropped the glass of water making a loud crash I then collapsed on the ground I couldn't breathe it felt as if I was going to die I heard loud footsteps  so I backed away from the door acidenlty putting my foot on a glass shard it pentetrating my skin I let out a scream form all the pain my door then burst oppend I was to sacred and made a force field around myself I was having one of the worst panic attacks I had ever had I couldn't speak"Y/n honey please let us trough"Dad said"Please sis"There were to many voices then the force field fell down as dad used his quirk Papa came running and held me trying to calm me down I then felt dizzy and started coughing like crazy then everything went black.

Aizawa POV:

My little girl was having a full blown panic attack and when she looked up at me her eyes were full of fear it was heart breaking I had to use my quirk so we could reach her and now she had fainted onto Yamadas arms she looked so weak and frail and very pale I bended over to check on her and saw that there was a piece of glass on her foot"Shinsou go get the first aid kit now"I told him he came runing with it he then gasped as seeing Y/n foot it was very bloody I pulled out some tweezers but first pulled out the big part of the glass on her foot so I could acses all the small parts I slowly started to pull them away and once they were all gone I disinfected it then wrapped up in bandeges Yamada then got her onto her bed she was sweating so Shinsou ran out of the room and came back with a wet piece of cloth and placed it on her forehead"It looks like she has a fever"I was proud of Shinsou he was a very good older brother but I felt Y/n needed more protection"D-dad Pa-papa Shinsou? what happen?"her voice was tired and her face pale.

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