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August 5th

"Trin it was awful, he basically compared me to Xavi's mom" Janelle sighed. As she flopped back onto the bed. She had called Trinity as soon as she woke up to tell her what happened last night.

"Can you blame him?" When Janelle didn't say anything Trinity continued. "I mean you left just like she did. And You didn't see the fallout of you leaving. I've never seen X so sad before. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad neither Nelle but, for a year straight you were his maternal figure. All he knew was you and Josh aka mom and dad."

Janelle sighed, she knew she hurt Xavier and Josh by walking out on them but it was for the best.

"Trin, I wasn't ready for all of that." She wished she could've stayed on Raw and none of yesterday would've happened. Trinity scoffed over the phone.

"Janelle, you fell into the role so easily though. I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything.." Trinity said she knew Janelle was lying about not being ready. When Janelle just repeated that she wasn't ready Trinity scoffed again. "Bullshit. Tell me what was going on."

"Fine! I felt suffocated, felt like I couldn't breathe. We fell into a routine of taking care of Xavi and I got scared."

"Scared of what?" Trinity said softly. "Janelle what's going on?" Trinity listened as her friend cried on the phone. "I wish I was there with you Nelly. Please don't cry." Janelle went to get some tissue to wipe her nose.

"I wish you were here too Trinny. This honestly sucks." They talked some more before Janelle made up an excuse to get off the phone.


Backstage of Summerslam was buzzing, there were people everywhere. Both rosters, some people from NXT and a whole bunch of legends were in the building but when she heard Xavier call her name, all the other noise stopped and she focused her attention on him.

"Nelly! You like my face paint?!" Janelle smiled and walked closer to him. She was expecting to see him with Josh but he wasn't, he was with Josh's cousin. They greeted each other with friendly smiles. Janelle had met her a couple of times, when she and Josh were dating.

"I love it." Janelle said. Josh's cousin had a smile on her face, watching the two of them interact. She was very confused when Josh told her that he and Janelle had broken up. She honestly thought that they would be engaged by now. She knew about the ring that he had bought a couple of weeks before Janelle left him.

"I'm going to watch my daddy fights uncle Jo-Jo and I'm going to be in the fronts row," Janelle gasped.

"Really? Wow, you're so lucky." She said.

"Can you come watch daddy with us?" Janelle shook her head.

" I can't bud. I have to work." She said, Xavier pouted at her and muttered 'okay.'

"Come on Xavi, we gotta go or we're gonna miss your dads entrance." Xavier nodded and waved bye to Janelle as they walked away.

"Wait!." He yelled out rushing back over to Janelle. "You didn't give me good luck kisses." She tilted her head and looked at him. "You give my daddy good luck kisses, but he not here. So I'll take them." He said, smiling at her. He was a smooth talker just like his dad.

Janelle chuckled. "Ok fine." She kissed both his cheeks, mindful of the facepaint then placed a kiss on his forehead. Josh's cousin let out an 'aww' it was obvious that Janelle had love for Xavier.

Janelle placed one more kiss on Xavier's forehead, letting him place one on her's before letting him run back over to Lena.

"Love you Nelly!" He yelled out behind him.

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