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"So what are you cooking?" Janelle asked as she sat on one of the stools at the kitchen island.

"I'm not cooking nothin'." Josh said as he walked over to a drawer and pulled out take-out menus. He placed them on the counter and looked at her. "You pick."

"Are you actually going to let me pick or are you going to-" She stopped talking when he pushed the menu from the pizza place that he wanted to eat from in front of her. "Why do you always do that?" She asked, rolling her eyes and picking up the menu.

"Cause I know it irks you." She rolled her eyes again and set the menu down.

"Are you not tired of eating from this place? Don't you want to try new things?" She asked reaching for the other menus, but he picked them up and put them back in the drawer.

"Nah, I know what I like." He said, keeping his eyes on her. She held his gaze before looking back down at the menu scoffing when he laughed at her.

"I'm gonna go order the pizza." She said getting up from her chair and walking into the living room.

"Don't forget the wings! And the ranch!" He called out after her. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when she left the kitchen. He sighed and scrubbed his hand over his face. "Fuck" he whispered. Honestly, before he saw her again at Smackdown he never thought about getting back together with her. She left him not the other way around. Sure he wanted to know why she left but that was it. But having her here in the house they used to share changed things.

"I ordered it. They said 30 minutes. I'm gonna time them" Janelle said as she put the timer on her phone. "What's wrong?" She asked, seeing the look on his face.

"What are we doin'" He asked, walking closer to her.

"What do you mean?" She asked, feeling her throat start to dry. Now was not the time for this conversation.

"Us. Me, You." He said motioning between the two of them. "What are we doin'? You wanna come back into Xavier's life that's fine. But what about us?" Janelle stood there staring at him. She didn't know what to say honestly. She opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"Josh." Was all she could say. She still loved him and had feelings for him. But like she told him earlier, she didn't want to wake up one day and hate him. He shouldn't have to go through her issues with her. He should be with someone that could love him unconditionally.

"Janelle," He said, looking into her eyes. "Do you want to be with me?" He wanted to be with her and he knew, just off the fact that she was still here, in their house- that she wanted to be with him. She still didn't say anything. "Do you still love me?" He whispered softly.

"Josh, you know I still love you. And of course I wanna be with you" She finally said. He cupped her jaw in his hand.

"So come back home Nelle." He furrowed his eyebrows when she shook her head.

"It's not that simple Josh."

"What's not?" Josh asked and Janelle took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"I can't just come home, Josh. I hurt you and Xavier by leaving. I can't just come back and expect everything to be the same."

"I already said I forgive you. You told me your reason for leaving and I forgive you. Xavier is definitely going to forgive you. We just want you home." She squeezed her eyes shut as her tears started to pour.

"I wish I never left." She whispered and Josh nodded his head, using the hand that wasn't cupping her face to wipe her tears away.

"I wish you would've stayed too. But we can't change the past, Nelle."

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