Drunk lucy - 01

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Before lucy and Tim started dating. Lucy is dating Chris and Tim is single. They are at a Christmas party at Tim's place. Inspired by that one TikTok song - you will see.

"Hey come in" Tim says as he lets in the last of the guests in. Nyla and James arrived last as they were waiting for their baby sitter to arrive. Obviously Lucy arrived first, claiming she could help Tim with the food but really she just wanted to be around him. He had a calming presence she hadn't felt around anyone else before.

"Do you need anymore help?" Lucy asked as she waltzed into the kitchen behind Tim.
"No, go enjoy yourself. You have helped so much already." He turned and smiled as he looked down to her. Lucy was considerably smaller then Tim and them being so close meant she had to look straight up just to look him in the eye.
"Ok, thanks Tim." A gentle hand was placed on his bicep that lingered maybe a little too long for others to question, but they were alone in the kitchen and it wasn't abnormal for them to be this close. Watching her closely, he saw her stroll back into the living room to join the other guests who were all drinking wine. She picked up a glass and sipped it gracefully as she took one last look at Tim in the kitchen. She tilted her head to signal he should join her and he couldn't resist, he will clean up after the party he thought.

*a few hours later*

Lucy was drunk. She stumbled back into the living room, and waved goodbye to Wesley and Angela as they left through the door. It was just her and Tim like it had been at the start of the night. Angela was talking to Tim.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She tilted her head at Lucy who was slumped down on a stool in the corner of the room. Tim rolled his eyes and shut the door in Angela's face. Turning around he could see Lucy beckoning him over.

He sat opposite to her watching as her eyelids flutterer, the way only he seemed to recognised. 
"Are you ok Luce?" He had his elbows on his knees and was slumped closer to her.
"Can I tell you something..." she whispered, looking drearily into his eyes.
"Yeah?" Tim answered cautiously.
"Chris is shit in bed!" She came right out with it and before Tim could answer she carried on. "Like lady boner gone. He tried humping me and he was huffing like a dog." Tim was too stunned to speak. "Then he whispered in my ear 'did I get off'" she rolled her eyes. "Finished, turned over and called his mum." She laughed. "I can't make this shit up like what the fuck!" Tim didn't reply he just stared at her, unknowing of what to say. Shocked at this new drunk side to Lucy and made a mental note to never get her drunk on wine if they were to go out to the bar together. To be honest he was glad she was telling him this. He had known that her and Chris's relationship wasn't going to last and that gave him a feeling in his chest he couldn't describe.
"I think you need to sleep." Tim just said after a long moment of silence.
"Yeah." She mumbled and tried to get up to grab her keys.
"Hey no! You are not driving home like this. Your drunk."
"Mmmm" is all she said and placed both of her hands on his arms to stop herself from wobbling. She looked up, her honey brown eyes glossed over in a drunken haze. "Where shall I go, sir?" She added leave Tim holding onto her a little closer.
"Stay. Stay here I mean." He turned to his sofa. Smiling he thought about that night of Jackson's death and how similar it had all become. But this time Lucy was drunk and acting like a small child.
"I feel sick." She mumbled in reply and Tim took her to the bathroom. Holding her hair back he thought, this is going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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