Scarlets Secerts - Chapter VI

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Chapter 6

"Hi..." Scarlet responded hesitantly as she was staring up and down at Skyler before locking her eyes with his.

They both stared at each other, there cheeks slightly reddening.

Skyler was memorised by scarlets look, he blinked his eyes rapidly before clearing his throat. "I thought maybe we coul-" Skyler paused again for a moment, noticing Scarlets emerging smile before continuing after another throat clear "That we could maybe go out somewhere today?"

Skyler turned his head and let his cocky stance stand out like it had before.

Scarlet looked at the floor with a smirk before confidently responding "No." Skyler let a unsteady breath making him choke a little "N-No?"

Scarlet broke into a evil laughter, "I'm only kidding.." Scarlet bit her lip and slowly came closer, moving her lips closer to his before moving around him and turning to face him.

"Well, where we going?" Scarlet inquired as she put her finger on her lips.

"We could go see a mo-" "Lets go shopping!" Scarlet interrupted. Skyler rolled his eyes but before he could say anything in return Scarlet grabbed his hand and dragged him to the mall. 

Her sister smirking at the doors side before closing it.

When they reached the mall(willingly or not), Scarlet turned around to face Skyler and smiling at him before backing into the malls front entrance, Skyler rolled his eyes once more.

Skyler closed and open his eyes slowly, looking at Scarlet spin around inside of the Mall.  "Shopping" Scarlet screeched biting her finger nails in anticipation.

Skyler grabbed onto Scarlets wrist sparsely before prominently interlocking his fingers with Scarlets, startling her. Scarlet startled to then gaze into Skylers eyes noticing his smirk appear before being dragged along with him.

Skyler quickly followed along on Scarlets path of one second wonders before noticing her stopping at something glimmering through the shop window.

Scarlet transfixed on the necklace, Skyler rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around behind Scarlet.

"Do you want it?" Skyler inquired while lightly kissing Scarlets now slightly rosy cheek.

"Yeah..." Scarlet said fixated on the ever so brightly gleaming gold necklace.

The day continued with a slather shopping spree, Scarlets eyes endlessly spotting small objects that seemed to pull her with great content, Skyler being dragged into her forthcoming desire and his thought to please her.

"Come on, lets go!" Scarlet screamed excitedly at Skyler, as he trundled along carrying multiple bags filled with clothes.

Skyler insisted on sitting down to rest and eat with Scarlets eyes rolling they decided to sit down in one of the many cafe restaurants located in the mall. Scarlet gracefully sat down, flipping her hair as glossed in the sunlight that pierced down from the malls clear glass roof while Skyler struggled to sit down, finding it impossible to find a place for all the bags.

She smiled at Skyler, "I never knew you could be like this" Skyler said with a non-lively tone. "You mean fun, of course I'm fun!"

Scarlet giggled.

Cathery staggered out of nowhere, her gang behind her, strutting in their high heels.

Scarlets face went pale, her eyes watered.

Both glared furiously at each other.

Meh, Idek at this point *flips table* /o3o/ /___/

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