A Supper, and then a Lunch

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Warning: swearing

Parker sighed. These days were such killjoys. There wasn't much fun around, and the days were gloomy. The rainy season was about to end -well- it mostly had. So, Parker continued to stare out the bus window as rain flew at the window. The bus ride was average about.. aka, screaming children, dirty comments, and of course, constant swearing and yelling. What was there not to love about that?

Good news though, Parker wasn't on for long. Only about 45 minutes or so. Bad news though, he was on his way to school. Extra bad news was that he, for the afternoon, was on for an hour and 15 minutes. 30 extra minutes! To Parker, the drop off/pick up system was rigged.

The horrid bus pulled up to the horrid high school. He slung his bag over his shoulder, standing up. Slowly but surely, the children all shuffled out of the too hot bus and into the pouring rain. Younger ones screamed, laughed, and yelled to their friends. Parker didn't mind the rain.

As he entered the school, he heard someone call, "Ay, yo Parker! Over here!" He turned his head in the direction of his name.. Ah, Caleb the smartass. Parker walked over to Caleb.

"Hey CJ, how're you?" Parker asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Caleb shrugged in response, his arms crossed. "Not bad, really. Ay ay, did you study last night?"

"Not really. I can't do that stuff without getting distracted."


Parker scoffed. "Thanks for the support." He said sarcastically.

Caleb nodded to Parker. "It's my pleasure."

They stood in silence for a moment, observing other people bustling through crowds. There was chatter everywhere.

Parker cleared his throat. "CJ, imma go pack my stuff into my locker. I'll see you later at lunch." 

Caleb nodded. "Kay. See you." 

Parker walked away, squeezing through the dense crowds to get to his locker. Still, even in the hallways, there were freshmen and sophomores and juniors everywhere. It was such a hassle to get to a simple location. At last, he reached the pre-dread locker. Taking a minute, he took a deep breath. He was tired and it was only October. Parker had never starred in academics. His average grades were B's and C's. It was just so hard to focus.. All around him in that wrench of a place was boring and boring and boring. 

Sure, he knew this stuff he was learning was valuable, but he couldn't care less. Parker was aware that his habits would catch up to him in his future, but he'd deal with that when the time came.

As he was putting all his stuff into his locker, he suddenly felt a hard smack on his back. He quietly gasped, stumbling forward a couple steps.

"Haha! I got ya, Park! You should've seen the look on your face!" A young woman laughed, wheezing as she spoke. "You - ha! I can't stop laughing dude!" She continued laughing. Parker groaned, rolling his eyes. He slowly turned around. Of course. It was the one and only Katrina.  

"Haha.. Very funny, Kat. You really got me that time." He spoke in an unamused tone. Parker then thrusted a notebook into her chest. "Here's your notebook, brat. You left it at my house last night." He turned his attention back to gathering his supplies for the dreaded classes ahead. 

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