Only Lonely

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WARNING: swearing

2 weeks later.. and the Randolph Forest stories are the talk of the town

It was the night before Halloween. Parker was quite aware of the amount of people that would most likely travel into the woods at night. He wouldn't dare, though. If those stories did happen to be true, there was no way in a million years would Parker ever venture off into those horrid woods.

Anyways, it did happen to be a school day. It was lunchtime and everyone was talking about the rumors. They had quite an exciting effect on the youngsters. Meanwhile, Parker and his friends were quite quiet.

That was until Celab spoke up, "I was thinking we should all go into the forest. It'd be fun, scaring all the kids."

Wesley tapped his finger against his chin. "I think someone would notice us, considering the amount of talk going around." He glanced around at the chattering children.

Tristan shrugged. "we could hide, obviously. Go into the trees and make scary noises." He wriggled his fingers in front of himself, making an "oooh" sound.

"Eh. That sounds boring. I was thinking we should go on a different day. Like maybe tonight. Or perhaps a couple nights after Halloween. I want to experience the creepiness too." Roman said.

Tristan then glared at Parker. "We might not have a full crew though.. I think one of us might chicken out." He sneered.

Parker simply rolled his eyes. "I just don't like the woods. Who knows? Maybe the stories are real. Like warnings."

Tristan scoffed, and Roman giggled.

"Seriously, Park? You think these stories could actually be real? Pfft! That's bullshit and hilarious at the same time." Tristan shot back. The tension between the group was forming.. and it wouldn't have been stopped unless Wesley sighed.

"You all are ridiculous." He mutter calmly. But the quietness didn't last long. "It doesn't matter if Parker doesn't want to go or not. We haven't even established if we're going. And if we're being fair, I wouldn't want to go in the forest either. It's possible to get lost and shit in the dark."

Everyone remained quiet for a moment. Parker was silently thanking Wesley for intervening in the argument.

Roman spoke up. "We'll have a flashlight."

Clean groaned. "ROMAN. SHUT UP."

"What? I'm just pointing that out!"

"Well it's not helping."

"I never help, you all should be thankful that I'm actually putting in effect to try and help."

"Yeah, CJ, give him a break." Tristan joined in, teasing Celab.

After that, Caleb got all huffy and the 3 of them started bickering. As usual, Parker and Wesley watched. Then, Parker's shoulders were grabbed, causing him to jump. Then, that pitchy, well known voice was heard.

"Hey babe~ so.. watcha talking about over here?" Kat squealed, barging into their business, which was the normal at this point. Caleb, Roman, and Tristan instantly all stopped fighting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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