October 31

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It was on the bus where Parker was. He sighed. The vehicle came down Parker's driveway, coming to a halt. He lifted his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. He hurriedly got off the bus, and he rushed into his house. Finally! The relief!

He sighed, dumping the bag on the ground. Parker got some water, and then went upstairs to his room.

His room wasn't all that big. It was a square with a door in the corner, and a closet beside the door where his clothes were kept. At the end of the room was a big window, and the bed was beside the it. There was a desk against the left wall (if you were to be at the door) where junk and stuff was. His floor was filled with clothes and such. The walls were a soft red (he did not pick the color).

Anyways, he laid on his bed, going on his phone. A couple hours passed, and his mom came home. He went downstairs to tell her that he'd be at some restaurant with Kat.

She sighed. "Maybe you could give me a heads up next time?" She asked.

Parker shrugged. "She just asked me today. Sorry." And just like that, he went back upstairs. Thirty minutes later, he got a text..

He groaned. Of course.. It's Kat!

It read:
Hey moody, omw

Parker sighed, replying:

He got up from his bed, went to the bathroom, smoothed his hair out a little, and then waited outside on the front porch.

He watched the cars until he saw a little blue car. He stood up as the blue car swiveled into his driveway. He knew it was Kat.

Parker walked to the car, opening the passenger door and hopping in.

She was bouncing. "Oh my gosh, you don't know how excited I've been! Please kiss me!"

His eyes widened a bit. "Excuse me?"

She giggled, clearly quite happy to go to this nice restaurant. "Nothing.. buuut if ya want to.. since it's my birthday pretty soon.. and I'm gonna be 17.." She said slowly.

Parker sneered. "Oh you brat.. Paying for you is your damn birthday present."

She pouted and whined. "But Paarrk.. just one little kissy kiss will make me happy."

He cringed a little. "Please, let's get going. My mom is probably wondering why the heck we're not on the road yet."

"Please, will you kiss me?"





Parker slumped in his seat, but quickly sat upright again. "Fine, you stupid terd." He gently grabbed her chin then leaned over. He pressed his lips to hers, and they lingered for a little second before he pulled away. "There."

Kat was grinning ear to ear. "OH MY GOSH! Okay! I just loved that! You are such a good kisser, y'know that? I should make you do that more often. I can't believe I just convinced the old moody to kiss me! Again too! Oh, this is awesome! I can't wait-"

"DRIVE." Parker interrupted, rolling his eyes. He couldn't understand why she got so ecstatic over a little kiss.

Kat quickly nodded, and back up the car, and then the two got on the road and to that restaurant.

It was a quiet ride, so not much talk. Kat was still on cloud 9 from the little gesture. They arrived at their destination, so, of course, Kat parked her car and got out. Parker did too as he looked around. The place was nice.

It has plants everywhere with windows on the front, and the door was glass as well. It has a homey feeling to it with the soft colors and tones. They entered, and they were immediately greeted with kindness.

"Mmp.. this place is nice for being downtown." Parker muttered under his breath, hands in his jacket pockets. Kat just elbowed him lightly.

The 2 were quickly given a seat. They sat down, and went to observing the menu -well, Parker atleast. Yada yada yada. They got their drinks after ordering, and they just finished ordering food. They sat in silence for a while before Kat spoke up.

"Everyone, especially new kids, are going crazy over the rumors. It's weird how people fuss over the same thing every year."

Parker took a sip of his drink. "Maybe it's the thrill of living next to a possible haunted forest." He shrugged.

She hummed in agreement, nodding. "That could be it. I heard that some kids might actually go on the Old Narrow Gauge Volunteer Trail on Halloween night. So cliché." She fiddled with her straw, looking at her acrylic nails -which were blue and faded into black.

"That's dumb." Parker responded, still eyeing the store. He had never been here before, and lately, the place had been remodeled. It used to be a storage place for random things like chairs, tables, shelves, and such things. Though, the new owner decided they wanted to make it into a restaurant. It opened 6 months ago.

Kat jutted her bottom lip out a little. "It's not dumb, just boring. My friends and I were talking about going into the forest, too. It'd be interesting.. sorta. Mostly creepy." She shuddered. "I hate the dark."

"Eh. I wouldn't. You never know.. Maybe you'll hear screams, see shadows, or voices.." He said in a deeper tone as if trying to be a little creepy sounding.

Kat just started to hysterically laugh. "seriously -? SERIOUSLY!?" She continued to laugh, trying to stop herself. Parker stared at her, unamused. Once she calmed down, she spoke, "are you 7 or what? That's so silly! Maybe I'll hear screams, see shadows, or hear voices? Those ghost stories are all myths, Park! Myths! They aren't real, idiot." She took a sip of her drink, still giggling from the thought.

Parker sighed. "You don't know that. They might be real."

She shook her head. "Don't be childish. They aren't real."

"You don't know that."

"I do know because ghosts don't exist."

Their argument came to a stop when their food came. "Here you go." The waitress gently put their meals on the table, bowing before taking off.

Kay rubbed her hands together. "Ooh! This looks delicious! I can't wait to try this." She immediately started eating. To be honest, it did looks quite good.

So, they ate together, not really talking.. but neither of them would admit it, but the myths of Randolph Forest was still on their minds.


hello! Thanks for reading! Also, the chapter of this book is not the date. It's just that they are talking about Halloween, and Halloween is October 31st. It's like a couple weeks before the holiday where this takes place. I'm sorry if this chapter is kinda lazy and short.. I don't have anything else to say. See you!

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