some gifts

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so every time i go to don's account, i see you thirsty ass hoes (kidding) begging for updates, asking where a book is, etc., but never saying thank you or being appreciative. i really wanted to do something to show him how much he's appreciated, because he is literally so talented and he does this for free just for y'all to act entitled. i wanted to do more than this, and at some point i still might.

okay, now to Don himself, hi bestie! i was supposed to do these last month, but a lot of stuff happened, so i know some of these books aren't even up anymore and you've got a really cute theme right now, so don't feel pressured to use any of these or anything, i just wanted to do something nice for you. < 3 i know you asked for a cover tutorial and i have not forgotten!! i'm just really sick right now and haven't been able to film one, but i'm gonna get to it. in the meantime, i hope these bring you some joy.

if you do decide you want any of them just hit my DMs and i'll DM you the links! i only ever ask for some credit somewhere when people use something i made, because hoes be out here stealin. 😒

alright, walk with me.

so, i worked on a cover for gravity first. i don't hate it, i wish i did something with the hair. iI loved this filter at first, but now idk.

 iI loved this filter at first, but now idk

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this is it unfiltered. don't ask me about that extra lil highlight, idk why i did that shit it was cute in the moment 😭

 don't ask me about that extra lil highlight, idk why i did that shit it was cute in the moment 😭

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