delivery for kyliesgrande

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please dm me for the link to your graphic!( let me know which one you choose! )

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please dm me for the link to your graphic!
( let me know which one you choose! )

don't forget to complete the payment if used!

kyliesgrandeyou actually have three covers, whichi'm gonna explain why when i get tothe last one

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you actually have three covers, which
i'm gonna explain why when i get to
the last one.

this one filtered very pretty, but i decided i hate
that font and then i just hated it in general.

 FILTEREDthis one filtered very pretty, but i decided i hatethat font and then i just hated it in general

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i actually really like this one, i tried to
highlight the eyes but it didn't make much
of a difference.

 FILTEREDi actually really like this one, i tried tohighlight the eyes but it didn't make muchof a difference

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there's a third person over there, so i
just wanted to show the full cover.

there's a third person over there, so ijust wanted to show the full cover

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and then i got around to what you actually
asked me to do. the reason i was so hesitant
to do this one is because the covers for
wondering & paranormal aren't special or
anything, they're just part of my cover theme.
( meaning all my covers either look like that or
WILL look like that ) so i get kind of bored of
making covers like this. i hope i didn't rush
through it, something feels kind of rushed
about it or something.

 i hope i didn't rushthrough it, something feels kind of rushedabout it or something

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