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—this is a few months old now

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—this is a few months old now.—

recently i joined posingposeys editing competition.
everyone else is way more talented than i could ever
be so i'm not feeling too confident over here, but i
really wanted to thank you for giving me the chance
to compete! it was a nice chance to practice, and i
appreciate it. (:

i put this first because WOW it looks goodin every filter??? ( unfiltered version uptop ) and it looks so good?? i'm so proudof it??? it's probably crap compared toeveryone else but DUDE, this is mybest work ever

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i put this first because WOW it looks good
in every filter??? ( unfiltered version up
top ) and it looks so good?? i'm so proud
of it??? it's probably crap compared to
everyone else but DUDE, this is my
best work ever.

and it's my two best girls. 🥺

this just a shitty little poster, i was gonnatry and have hope crying but i can't draweyebrows so i left it

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this just a shitty little poster, i was gonna
try and have hope crying but i can't draw
eyebrows so i left it. 👁👄👁

this is my first edit in a while, i'msorry that it ended up a little bittoo dark in some places

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this is my first edit in a while, i'm
sorry that it ended up a little bit
too dark in some places. it goes
along with the poster up top.

and then i threw stelena in therejust for fun while i was working

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and then i threw stelena in there
just for fun while i was working. (:


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