the deal....

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(Tanjiro pov)

I stare down at the uppermoons and pick uppermoom two to go get kanoa.

Tanjiro:Rokuta you are to go get kanoa stuyuri and bring her alive she can be wounded but she needs to be alive, you can have fun fighting her but bring her alive, got it.

Rokuta:yes master i will bring kanoa tsyuri alive but wounded. Smirks

Rokuta disappears and so do the other uppermoons nezuko comes up to me asking for rokuta I tell her I sent her to get kanoa tsyuri she looks at me with wide eyes.

Nezuko:that smut

I thought nezuko would be at least a little happy but I guess not

Tanjiro: we could make a new deal kanoa tsyuri will marry you weather you and her like it or not you will own her and take care of her got that

Nezuko:yes oni-chan but once she gets here send her to me Idc if she is wounded or hurt just send her straight to me

(Kanoa pov)
I set the sword that master gave me under my bed and decide to keep my uniform on because I was to tierd to take it off im about to go to bed and the I hear a noise who's there I say with wide eyes uppermoon two she fights me for a little making me wounded everywhere she then knocks me out like that blood rushing out my cuts she looks at me then I faint.

(Rokuta pov)

Shit i hope she didn't die or else master will kill me I hurry and bring her to tanjiro and he says to take her to nezukos room so I do when I get there no ones there so I lay her on the ground and leave.

(Kanoa pov)

I wake up my vission still a little blurry i lay there for a little then get up at the sound of the door opening it was nezuko fear ran through my body and blood boild like there was no tomorrow I looked up at her and stared down at me

Nezuko:good your awake now my brother has a new deal for you and your accepting whether you like it or not got it

Kanoa:I sit there quietly and nod I thought that If I said something wrong my head would go off in the blink of an eye


Nezuko:also I have some rules for you.

Nezuko: first your not mute so use your words i want to hear a yes, yes ma'am or yes master


Nezuko:second im top and you can't do anything about it got that


Nezuko:third im able to use you for whatever I want got it


Nezuko:fourth don't try and run away always stay by my side unless I tell you otherwise got it tsyuri if you try to leave there will be a big punishment


(Third person pov)

Nezuko stands there for a minute staring at kanoa and realizing how many cuts she has get up she says and kanoa quickly gets up how many cuts do you have she asks her idk kanoa says she sighs take of your shirt she tells her kanoa blushes hard but does as she says she takes of her shirt.

Leave it on the ground nezuko says kanoa puts the demon slayer top on the ground and crosses her arms even though she has a bra on nezuko goes up to her and tells her sit on the bed kanoa quickly sits on the bed wondering what nezuko was gonna do to her nezuko looks at all the cuts stay here she tells kanoa and leaves

(Kanoa pov)

Why does she want my shirt off and what is she gonna do to me I wonder she comes back two minutes later with a first aid kit she goes infront of me and tells me to open my legs what why what is she gonna do thoughts rushed through my head wondering about what she's gonna do but as I have to I obey her and open my legs she goes in between them on her knees on the ground she gets the medicine from the first aid kit and puts it on my cuts it burns but I stay quite only making faces she finishes putting the medicine on my cuts and uses the bandage to wrap around my cuts she gets up and disappears for a little then comes back with clothes from my closet I guess she went to my room and into my closet put this on in the bathroom, yes nezuko I go to the bathroom and change.

When I come back she is sitting on the bed she's being unusually nice I thought sit! she says I go sit on the bed and she goes close to me/my lips and kisses me she forces her tongue in my mouth exploring the inside of my mouth she starts to bite my bottom lip and I can't help but let out little moans she lets go after a while.

Nezuko:your mine and only mine now got that


Before I can get anything else out she teleports us laying on the bed she pulls me close to her holding me tight before knocking out still having tight grip I fall asleep a little while later.

5 hours later

I wake up but she's still sleeping still holding me tight I wonder how the hell she still has a tight grip on me I feel my stomach rumble so I wiggle around only to wake her up she keeps her eyes closed but says be still she says I notice my lips are brushed I wiggle around more and she presses on one of my cuts hard I stop wiggling from the pain whimpering from the painful cut she stops and grabs my chin making me look at her face.

Nezuko:what do you want

Kanoa:i-im hungry

Nezuko: fine I'll get you something to eat stay put

she teleports away and I stay in bed a little while later she comes back with pink mochi on a plate.

She hands me the plate and says here now you can eat i eat the mochi and when I'm done she takes the plate and teleports it somewhere she looks at me and says so was it good I nod my head and she takes that even though I didn't speak she she sits on the bed next to me and teleports me onto her lap facing her I blush a lot as she just stares at me.

Kanoa:why am I on your lap

Nezuko:because I want you to be

Kanoa:but why

I say while blushing more

Nezuko:stop asking so much questions and be quite

Nezuko looks at me then at my hand covering my lips she grabs my wrist and takes my hand away from my mouth and kisses me again she now bites my upper lip as moans come from me in the kiss she nibbles my upper lip and it felt like bees stinging my upper lip.

When she broke the kiss both my upper lip and bottom lip was bruised I cover my mouth again with my finger.



Kanoa:m-my lips hurt

Nezuko: are you okay

(Third person pov)

Kanoa feels a strike of pain on her whole body ow she says closing her eyes whats wrong kanoa nezuko says my whole body hurts bad nezuko notices blood coming through her shirt kanoa is shaking in pain while nezuko takes off kanoa's shirt.

Nezuko:the blood is going through the bandages

Kanoa:i-it h-hurts

Nezuko looks at the bandages and takes kanoa off her lap and sits her on the bed she grabs the bandages she left on her desk and tells kanoa to stay still she starts to take off the bandages already on and replaces it with a new one after that nezuko leaves again and comes back with a new shirt she hands it to me and I put it on after I put it on she lays in bed and makes me lay by her she hugs me and knocks out again the feeling of her caring for me makes me blush as I doze of to sleep.

Wow 1420 words including this message this was fun to make the next chapter will maybe be longer but who knows thank you to jiinora again for giving me this idea.

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