Chapter 2: Broken

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Morning comes around a lot quicker than expected.

The crew spent all night searching for the missing Kratt but to no avail. They're having breakfast before starting their morning search, except for Martin. He just can't even think of eating knowing his brother is out there, maybe hurt or worse.

"Martin?" Jimmy walks up to him with a cup of coffee in hand.

The blue Kratt looks up, a bit startled, and reluctantly accepts.

He mutters a quick "thanks" before taking a small sip from his drink, staring into the nothingness.

Jimmy wears a deep frown. "You can't find your bro on an empty stomach, you know," he scolds.

Martin sighs heavily. "I know, I just-..." He looks down with sad, weary eyes.

"I know," Jimmy speaks softly, rubbing his arm comfortingly. "We'll find him, don't worry. C'mon!"

Martin gives him a feeble smile as he gets up to join the team, before the search begins.

Chris groans as his eyes slowly begin to open. The first thing he feels is the smooth, humid touch of the grass to his fingers.

Next thing, he finds himself shivering badly, clutching his bag close to his chest like an abandoned child. He is soaked due to all the rain from last night. The memory of it all flashes before his eyes, bringing him utter discomfort.

Cautiously, he tries to stand, hoping his trembling legs won't give up on him right now. He suddenly sneezes and shakes his head, trying to get some of the water out of his hair.

Chris takes a look at his surroundings, trying to figure out what to do next. The rain seems to have stopped while he was asleep, so that's nice, even though he's still soaked to the bone. He reaches his hands up and slicks his hair back the way it usually is.

His bag is pretty wet, but at least the stuff inside is still mostly dry much to his surprise. He reaches his hand in and pulls out a granola bar, opening it up and taking a bite out of it as he begins to walk through the forest.

Clouds are still completely covering the sky even despite all the rain, but Chris is more focused on trying to look for anything nearby that might also be edible. That way he doesn't have to worry about running out of food... if it comes to that.

He had managed to get most of the boxes and ropes out of the trees the day before, with only one or two still up there for him to deal with later.

Shaking some of the water out of his bag, he looks up, spotting a bush with what looks to be some kind of berry growing there. Grinning, Chris runs over, hoping to find something edible peeking out through the leaves.

He crouches down upon arriving at the bush and takes a close look at the berries growing there. Fumbling around with one of them, Chris wishes he could scan it with his Creature Pod to make things easier for him. Thankfully, he knows enough about wildlife to recognize this as a blueberry, and of course, safe to eat.

Chris smiles and pops the berry in his mouth, stuffing the granola bar back in his bag for later.

He grabs a small piece of cloth from his bag and starts picking as many berries from the bush as he can fit in the cloth.

As he finishes, he pops back up again and picks a random direction to start walking in, popping blueberries in his mouth as he goes, feeling delighted now that he has something other than granola bars to eat.

In a far and much more dense forest, with a sky clearer than the one Chris is lost in, the crew is about to start the morning search.

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