Chapter 3: Nightmare

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Martin holds a pair of binoculars over his eyes as he scans the forest landscape around him. Stars sparkle in the dark blue sky up above him, and the moon lights up the trees that are filling his view.

He lowers the binoculars, frowning. It's almost day five of Chris going missing and there are still no signs of him anywhere nearby.

Glancing around at the treetops surrounding him as he sits on one of the top branches of one such tree, he bites his lip, worried. Everyone else is sleeping inside the Tortuga, but he couldn't sleep. Every day without his brother by his side has been another day of worry for the blue Kratt.

He hopes Chris is doing alright at the very least, they've both been doing this for the last few years of their lives, so Chris knows what to do in a situation like this. After all, they get into this kind of quandary more often than Martin would like to admit.

Still though, they're usually able to find each other within a couple of days at most. This is the longest they've spent trying to look for each other by far, and it's worrying Martin more and more the longer he spends trying to look for his brother.

He reaches his hands up and runs them through his hair multiple times in frustration, the wait worrying him more and more with every passing day.

He stuffs his binoculars back into his bag and slides down the tree trunk to somewhere in the middle, jumping off his current tree to the next.

He makes his way back over to the Tortuga, jumping down from the tree closest to it and quietly making his way inside. Upon entering the main room as quietly as possible, he's thankful that the others are all still asleep and didn't notice him sneaking out in the middle of the night.

He begrudgingly starts preparing for bed and eventually heads over to his sleeping sack on the floor, slipping inside only after taking off his shoes and leaving them by the door instead of keeping them on like a HEATHEN.


Martin leans his head against his arm and stares off into space, waiting for sleep to take him. He waits, and waits, and waits... but the sleep never comes.

He groans, flipping around in his bed and trying to find a better, more comfortable position in hopes that it'll make sleep come easier. He does this a couple more times, but to no avail.

He flips over onto his stomach and plants his face straight into his pillow, groaning in frustration. This is horrible. No matter what he does, he can't stop thinking and worrying about Chris. He wants to get back out there and keep looking for him, but he knows the girls would kill him if they caught him sneaking out.

How the hell do they sleep so well knowing that Chris is out there somewhere, stranded and waiting for them, possibly hurt, possibly worse?!

He looks up slightly, the bags under his eyes clearly visible on his face. He glances around the room absentmindedly, wondering if there's a way he could sneak out again without being heard... when he suddenly spots a figure by the door.

He perks up, the flash of green immediately catching his attention, and watches as the figure exits the room before he can really get a good look at them.

Forgetting about Aviva, Koki and Jimmy still sleeping in the room around him, Martin quickly flings up out of his bed and runs towards the door, pulling on his shoes as fast as he can and bolting out after whoever that was.

He bolts down the hallway and follows the figure out of the Tortuga, barely getting a full look at the person but hoping to god that it's who he thinks it is.

The figure, whom he hopes dearly is his little brother, walks slowly ahead of him while Martin tries to catch up. He pushes past the trees as fast as he can, but he never quite seems to be able to catch up to the person ahead of him.

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