Chapter 6 - One problem, another solution

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Once he reached the car, he opened the trunk and pulled out a large suitcase. They finally approched the man, Julie spoke first "Excuse me, are you Dr. Kallner?"

He removed his mask. "Yes, I am. Why?"

"My friend here is having trouble, she just suddenly collapsed while in the restaurant."

"A sudden collapse?"

"Yeah, something seems to be wrong with her."

"She must be feeling very uncomfortable in such a crowded area. Maybe we should get her someplace quiet where she can relax."

Dr. Kallner, the known doctor to study mental health, knows that Charlotte suffered from overwhelming Agoraphobia.

Julie says " Okay, we are lucky to have you around."

Dr. Kallner "It's suggested she takes a few hours of rest, it's also not confirmed it's Agoraphobia though, perhaps epilepsy."

Julie "I'll make sure she gets some rest and take her home"

Dr. Kallner "Alright, if anything happens or you need me please call me" *He hands Julie a business card containing his number*

After Julie left, Julie went over to Charlotte who was lying on the ground.

"Come on Charlotte, stand up. We have to go back to my place."

"It's okay, I can wait until tomorrow morning."

"No, you have to get moving. Besides it doesn't matter how long you have to rest, it's better than nothing."

Charlotte stood up slowly. Julie helped her out of the park and back to her house. While she lay down on her bed, Charlotte closed her eyes and fell asleep instantly. Julie now knows what Charlotte's vision holds and she decided to just name it "Charlotte's vision", hinting that only Charlotte has this ability to see good and bad intentions for future purposes. Julie notes that it's probably not exactly what Charlotte sees, but it's a very simplified version of it.

While Charlotte lays in bed Julie continues her research on the PrimBaken while Charlotte rests her mind. While she's trying to find if PrimBaken have this same ability, here comes Lukas with a picture showing that PrimBaken have been learning about many things and those two start to research things like cooking, building, computers, and even weaponry. One PrimBaken decided to think of a Bread cannon, mostly for fun though. Although these PrimBaken just wanted their life to be fun, they also wanted to see what they could improve, just like all scientists.

Julie looked at this as progression with their own species they created, but on the other hand they still had Charlotte, which was a Bakenized human. However, Julie had to let her rest after the incident at the restaurant. She told her "You have to get your strength back and then you'll feel a little better."

Lukas said "We might want to consider taking her to Germany, they're more equipped to handle her condition, especially if it's an actual disease."

"We don't really know if it's a disease yet Lukas" Julie said "And we can't leave her alone right now."

"But we should try to help her anyway, she's our friend, and she's special too."

Julie thought to herself about Lukas' idea, but then again she'd like Charlotte to stay close to her. Charlotte stays asleep for a few hours before waking up again.

"I'm okay, I think," Charlotte says.

"Yeah, me too." Julie looks at her closely. "How do you feel?"

"Fine, I guess."

"Do you remember anything about yesterday? Or did something happen when you were unconscious?"

"I think my aura reading caused me to be overwhelmed, so I passed out." said Charlotte "My head hurts a little though, and my stomach feels a bit queasy."

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