Laswell - bad day?

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Y/n had a terrible day at work. The others were picking on them every day, but today, they took it too far. Price had told y/n to help around in the briefing room, but when they got there, it was a complete mess of trash everywhere, so y/n got to work cleaning everything until it was midnight. They went to their shared barracks with their lover, Kate Laswell; y/n sat on the bed waiting for Laswell to arrive.

Y/n heard the door open and close as they almost fell asleep, so they hugged Lasswell.

"Hey babe, how was your day?"

Laswell asked.


Y/n said they were feeling exhausted and just wanted to sleep, then Laswell picked them up and brought them to bed before they both got into bed and hugged. Laswell even placed a kiss on Y/n's head before they fell asleep.

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