I'm Not Supposed To Love You: Part 1

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Since ya'll didn't read my other story I'm going to covert it to match with Varigo. Jsyk this was written by my girlfriend Hanna Marcas.


3rd person POV

Hugo James, prince, is a concealed person. His father had an affair with a beautiful woman, and she became pregnant with him. The queen was outraged, but it was law that he was an heir to the throne. The ONLY heir, since the queen was unable to have children. The king and queen decided to pretend the child was hers, never to reveal the king's scandalous acts.

When the child was born, the mother knew he would be taken from her, so her only two requests were to stay with him until he turned three, and to name him. She named him Hugo, but the queen wanted to call him James. It was a princely name. Torn between the two women, the king decided he would have both. Hugo James. So the boy grew and grew. And the queen yelled and yelled. And every night, before he would fall asleep, his mother would creep to his side and whisper

"I'll never truly leave you, my love. I won't ever truly leave you." and as a child, he believed it. Now, not so much.

Seventeen, tall, blond, and broken. His mother is a distant memory. But a memory that will never leave him alone.

His small, smudged window let in very little light, especially when the sun was just cautiously creeping over the horizon, as if frightened to come out. He had always been an early riser, quite used to the silent mornings that felt dead and cold. Even the flowers in the corridors seemed to droop just a bit. Hugo crept to the gaping dining hall, with a long, white table and little chairs. Breakfast had been set out for him, and although he had no desire to eat, he did. They would throw it out if he didn't. So he ate in silence, returned to his room, and breathed a sigh. A large, heavy sigh that sagged in the middle from the sheer weight of it. Then the most peculiar thing happened. A knock came at his door. A quick knock. When he twisted the handle to the door and opened it, he looked down at a boy. Smaller than him by a few inches, he didn't dare look Hugo in the eye. His dark hair waved ever so slightly, thick and lush. He had one blue streak of hair in his locks. His clothes were large on him, since he was unbelievably skinny. His shirt fell off of one lightly freckled shoulder.

"Excuse me, your Highness." His voice was high and soft, so soft he was almost whispering.

"But I have just been informed I'm to be your gentleman's gentleman. A...servant of sorts." He still did not look up.

"I...see. And why are you here this early?"

"Well, all the others were up, and I'm a very light sleeper- well, what I mean to say is I was sent here by someone named...Cassandra?"

"Ah, yes. Cassandra appointed you to me." Cassandra, the head maid, when she has nothing to do with a servant, sends them to Hugo until she could find a better use for them. Hugo took care of himself just fine, and they usually didn't stay long. Him and Cassandra were friends of a sort, so he put up with them for a while.

"Well, come in." The boy hesitated, tense, but then entered. "I-If you don't mind me asking, what exactly am I supposed to do?"

"Oh, well...nothing at the moment. You're just here in case I need you."

"And...do you need me?" He finally looked up. Hugo's own dull, green eyes were met with the most striking pair of eyes he'd ever seen. One was brown, and one was the most beautiful baby blue, so out of place with all his other features.


Word count: 623


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