One: Part one

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This is an AU written by Hanna, she originally used OC's but, I changed it so I could share it with you guys! Enjoy!


Varian's POV

"Hugo, stop!" Hugo scowled in my direction, anger evident in his eyes.

"No." He said through his teeth. I scoffed.


"Do you really wanna do this here?" I followed his gaze to the people around us. 

"Do what?" And that's when he grabbed my arm and practically threw me through a doorway, slammed the door, and then it was dark. I yank my arm away. "Are you mad? I'll-"

"YOU WANT ME." He said, in a low, growling tone. I could feel his breath on my face as I looked up, resenting the few extra inches he had on me. "And I will not let you ignore it any longer, not when I want you so desperately I swear it's going to destroy me someday.

"I don't-"

"YOU DO." He jabs a finger in my chest, accusatory.

"Prove it." I challenge, throwing up my hands. There's a few seconds of near silence, where all I can hear is him fuming, breathing quickly. Hugo's hand flies to my hip and bodily pushes me into the wall of the broom closet. His face gets, if possible, even closer, leaving only centimeters between us. In the low light, I can just barely make out his eyes, they seem to be on fire. Not with rage, but something I suspect has been there all along. 

And then he closes the gap, his lips meeting mine, quickly at first, but then deep and slow. When we break apart, I just stare raptly at him for a while. The breath has been stolen from my lungs and the words from my mouth. All I can do is stare. A smirk tugs at his lips.

"Top of the North Tower. Eleven." And then he's grinning and gone. My brain catches up to what just happened, and I fall back against the wall. My mind is swimming with questions I have no answers for. I try to make a list of actions when I get back to my room, but I end up staring at the paper, which is blank except for a number.





Hope you enjoyed!! Bye Pookies😘!

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