65. Nikah

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India didn't win the World Cup but atleast they tried . And we have to say, it hurted when we saw them loosing the match .

But I guess , Australia deserved the Cup . I know many of you are still upset . So am I.

But we need to move on . Our Indian team tried their best and we can't criticize them because it wasn't their fault .

I hope this update will bring a smile on your face . If not smile , then at least you will feel better .


The chapter is translated.

The news of Rumaisa and Ranvijay still in the hot list . Why won't it be ? Afterall two wealthiest and strongest family is going to be related with eachother .

Their business will spark to new heights , their relation will make their business more reachable to other continents .

That's the reason why media couldn't keep their calm. They were many times captured without their permission . Their privacy was being hampered many times .

Even if the tech guys tried , they couldn't take off all the pictures from social media . Rumaisa and Ranvijay had no other other than to agree on the thing that they will be constantly in limelight.

There were many rumors about them being still unmarried . Once there was an article on this also.

The king of Jodhpur , Ranvijay Abhyansh Singh Rathore and the Queen of Ranakpur , Rumaisa Meherunnisa Goshkari are seen together near XYZ roads .

They seemed very cozy with eachother just like married couple. But are they really married ? The marriage certificate doesn't prove anything.

In India , people only accept the marriage which is done with proper rituals . And here they are only married in papers that also prior to 11months.

If they are married , why don't they live together under one roof. Why does she lives with her parents .

This article indirectly questioned their relation. And it was enough for him to go crazy .

He sued the article company along with other magazine articles. And this raised many question on their relation again .

Both the families met to discuss about it because suing companies will lead to no where .

And at the end of their decision, they concluded that the only thing which could stop all those bullshit was Marriage.

They informed and asked Rumaisa and Ranvijay about the decision. And none of them hand any problem about it .

And there they are after few days . Waiting for one of the most beautiful day of their life .

" One of the " Because they had decided to do marriage according to both the religion respecting both culture .

They decided that first they will do the Nikah and after two weeks Vyah followed by all the customs .

Nikah will be done in Ranakpur , Vyah will be in Ranbagh , Coronation and Reception will be in Jodhpur .

But in between these two weeks , Samyukta's and Muiz's ( Momin's Brother ) Wedding will also take place on different dates .


There Rumaisa laying on her bed in Ranakpur's Palace . The windows were open , chilled air entering through the window , sliding the curtains .

The month of December started , and so was the miseries of Rumaisa. She whined and got up to close all the windows .

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