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Charlie never thought this would be the way that he would have to meet his new neighbor but here he was, locked out of his apartment.

Embarrassment and anxiety washed over him, those emotions were quickly becoming his best friends.

Charlie was about to knock on the door but froze, what would his neighbor even do to help? He rubbed his face in frustration and sat down on the dirty ass floor, leaning up against his front door. All he could do was wait for his boyfriend Ben to get home.

How could a 21-year-old still get locked out of his apartment?

Charlie sat up in the hope that the voices echoing up the stairs would be Ben but sighed as it was a guy around his age he didn't recognize and who he assumed was his mom carrying boxes up the stairs. A beautiful border collie wagging its tail.

"Thanks for helping me move in Mum." The ginger-haired guy said softly as he set down the boxes in front of the door.

"Of course honey! Hopefully, this apartment is more welcoming of dogs." The woman said as she took the border collie's lease, which Charlie now realized that she was a service dog. He should probably make himself known so he doesn't startle them.

"The building is very welcoming of dogs, animals in general," Charlie assured, causing them to look over at him. He got up so they wouldn't wonder why he was on the floor.

"Hi, I'm Charlie I uh, I live here next door." Charlie managed to say through nerves, introducing himself. Why did his new neighbor have to be so damn attractive? He was an athlete. God, if Ben found out he thought that of another guy, he would be pissed.

"Hi! I'm Nick and this is my mom. I'm moving in." Nick said with a welcoming smile, "Clearly." He motioned to the boxes with a chuckle.

"I got locked out of my apartment and I'm just waiting for my boyfriend to get home. So I can help you guys out if you want? I'd be bored otherwise." Charlie offered, he could have sworn that Nick frowned in disappointment when he said boyfriend, but he was probably just imagining it.

"Oh yeah, that would be great! I can't lift boxes so it would take awhile otherwise." The woman chuckled, she seemed so welcoming and kind just like her son. Charlie has a good gut feeling about them.

Charlie smiled a bit and began to help with the boxes. "What do you have in here, rocks?" He teased as he carried the box in, trying not to trip over the border collie. "Oui!" His new neighbor laughed and set a few boxes down that he carried.

Charlie was about to help move more boxes but looked down in confusion as Nellie wandered over to him, sniffing his side.

The side that was bruised from his argument with Ben last night... he pet  her and froze a bit as he heard someone walk into the apartment hallway...

It was Ben.

"Charlie! What are you doing?" Ben asked in an outgoing tone, but he knew from experience that it was faked. He was masking his anger since others were around.

"Hey, Ben! I just got locked out of our place so I thought I'd help Nick, our new neighbor move in." Charlie stammered.

"Well, I'm here now so you can stop," Ben said with a hum. Charlie chewed his lip and nodded, "I'll see you guys around!" He chirped and followed Ben into their apartment.

"Charlie seems so lovely!"

Charlie smiled softly as he heard Sarah say that and Nick agreed as he followed Ben in.


"What were you thinking?" Ben huffed in frustration, his tone changed once he shut the door.

Charlie looked at Ben in confusion, why would he be mad about that? "I wanted to introduce myself." He tried to explain but yelped in surprise as Ben suddenly grabbed his arm, yanking him over.

"Ouch!" Charlie cried, hoping he would stop. "That was a dumbass thing to do Charlie! I don't want to be involved with our new neighbors!" Ben scolded.

Charlie looked down, chewing his lip. Maybe he should've texted Ben before he said hi to Nick...

"Okay, I'm sorry," Charlie whispered.

Ben smirked, seeing this as a way to get what he wanted from making his boyfriend feel guilty.

"Well...How about you can make it up to me?" Ben hummed.

"I can make us dinner-" Charlie tried to suggest but oofed in shock as Ben interrupted him with a kiss.


He got what Ben meant.

"Okay...Yeah." Charlie whispered as he followed Ben into their bedroom. Why did their arguments always have to end this way? It was almost as if Ben started disagreements just so he could have sex.


"Doesn't something seem off with Ben?" Nick asked Sarah, as he fiddled with Nellie's lease. Nellie noticed he was anxious and nudged Nick's leg with her nose gently. Nick sat down as instructed by her and pet her as she climbed into his lap to calm him down.

"Oh, hun we barely know him. We can't assume something about him till we get to know them more." Sarah said as she began to unpack the kitchen. They've been unpacking all day and she knew Nick was getting tired.

"You're right." Nick nodded and hid in Nellie's fur, taking a deep breath.

Maybe he was just imagining things...


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