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"Never regret anything from your past because one day, you'll look back and thank it for hurting you so much that you decided to become a stronger human being."
- Faith Star

Charlie smiled softly to himself as he wiped down the counters of the cafe while Ash took the orders. He felt...Happy lately. Nick made him happy. He never thought a person could change everything for the better, but Nick did. He made a note to himself to get flowers as a thank you to his boyfriend after work. The thought of Nick blushing, holding flowers made Charlie want to leave work right now to get them but his shift didn't end for another couple hours. God, he hoped the day was going to go by fast.

"I'm going to go on my lunch break," Ash announced. Charlie almost didn't hear her because of his daydreams. "Okay!" He assured her and went up to the cashier as a customer walked in.

Little did Charlie know that his day was about to go to hell as he looked up to take the order.

He felt his heart drop as he saw one of Ben's friends stand before him and he looked pissed. He stared at Charlie, if looks could kill this one would've had him drop dead.

"You're the reason Ben is in jail! You ruined his fucking life!" Ben's friend shouted, he grabbed Charlie's shirt collar angrily, almost yanking him over the counter. This caused the cafe to go quiet, customers looked over not sure what to do or if they should interfere.

At that moment Charlie wished he could just disappear, this was the second time he disturbed the whole cafe and he was so embarrassed, and terrified. He hadn't felt this scared since Ben banged on Nick's apartment door that one night. He wanted to laugh as Ben's friend said he ruined Ben's life. It was the other way around; Ben ruined his. Why did this keep happening to him? Did he deserve it?

"Let me go." Charlie managed out, trying to stay calm, but his voice came out shaky.

Ben's friend laughed and heaved Charlie over the counter, lifting him so easily as if he was a doll, shoving him to the ground. Charlie cried out in pain as his back hit the floor.

Costumers were now getting up and shouting at Ben's friend to leave. It was like the scene out of a movie. Ash heard the commotion from the back room and rushed to her phone, calling the police.

An older man who was sitting at one of the tables with his daughter, stormed up to Ben's friend and shoved him away from Charlie. He stood in front of him protectively until the police arrived. He didn't know the curly headed young man, but he looked so defenseless that he had to step in to help.

"Thank you so much." Charlie rambled out to the man, his voice cracking as he held back tears. "No need to thank me, I'm glad I was here to help." The kind stranger assured before walking back to his daughter once the police arrived.

Charlie felt numb as he made a report with the officer. He just wanted to be at home, in Nick's arms. He can't even comprehend what happened since it went on so fast.

Relief washed over Charlie as he watched Nick rush into the cafe, Ash must of called him. Thank god for her.

"Oh babe, Ash told me what happened." Nick pulled Charlie into a hug. Charlie sunk into Nick's arms, clinging onto him, finally feeling safe again.

Last chapter, I hope you guys liked this story as much as I liked to write it :)

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