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"Two damaged people, trying to heal each other is love." ~R.H.

It's been a couple of days since the kiss and it was all Charlie could think about. Even during his shift at work, when he wiped down the counter at the cafe his mind replayed the kiss over and over like a broken record. Ash teased him about being distracted and it made him brush like crazy, he didn't know what to do.

Nick had been distant too...

Whenever they sat in the same room it was nothing but awkward. Did Nick regret the kiss?? Was he disgusted by Charlie now? All Charlie's mind did was spiral...He knew what to do now; it was to call Tori, she always had the answer.

As soon as Charlie got back to Nick's apartment after work, he sat on his bed with a sigh and called Tori's number on his phone.

"Charlie!" Tori said as she answered the phone after the first ring causing Charlie to smile softly. Her voice was so comforting, he missed her a ton. It's been months since he last saw her because Ben never let him leave the apartment much. Maybe now he could have Tori over to Nick's place.

"Hey!" Charlie greeted, he lay on his bed with a sigh. "I just wanted to give you an update, I miss you a lot."

"I miss you too," Tori agreed. "Yes give me an update it's been too goddamn long you ass."

Charlie snorted softly, "Well, as you know I live with Nick now. He's so great he even let me save up a bit before giving me my share of the rent. But it's been... Awkward."

"Awkward?" Tori quizzed, "Why?"

"Well uh," Charlie cleared his throat, "We kind of kissed because he wanted to see if he liked guys and I wanted to help him because he helped me so much lately. But he hasn't talked to me since and we kind of avoid each other. I don't know what to do. He saved me and I don't want to lose him." He rambled.

Tori sighed at how blind her brother was, "Charlie, he's probably having a gay crisis since the kiss! That's only why he would avoid you. It's completely normal when someone is questioning their sexuality." She assured.

Charlie sat up, "God this is why I needed to call you. I'm so stupid."

"No, you're not." Tori stated sternly, "Don't let whatever Ben said get to your head. He was a dick and Nick seems like the complete opposite."

"He is." Charlie agreed, he didn't know what he'd do without Tori. She was always there for him no matter what.

"My advice is old be to try to talk to him." Tori advices. Charlie nodded even though she couldn't see him through the phone call. "Okay yeah, I will." He assured. "Good, I got to go because Michael just got home. Love you, Char," Charlie said softly.

"Okay, Love you too." Charlie hung up and walked out of the guest room where he had been staying at Nick's place. Nick said he could decorate it but he just hasn't had time.

Speaking of Nick, once Charlie made it to the living room he giggled as Nellie came bounding over to him and jumped up excitedly. "Sorry! I just got back from a walk and she's off duty so now she's extra excited." Nick rambled out as he set down her lease and harness.

"It's okay," Charlie assured with a chuckle, and per Nellie, "Oh! Before I forget I got rent for you this month." He rambled and handed Nick the envelope. Nick looked at Charlie with big soft eyes, "Why thanks."

"You don't have to thank me. I'm living here it's the least I can do." Charlie rambled. Nick gently grabbed Charlie's hand to ensure that he was not mad or anything like that.

Charlie couldn't help but blush at that. Nick was holding his hand, "I'm happy to have you here." Nick whispered shyly.

Charlie smiled, "Me too." He sat down with Nick. "Can we talk?" He asked Nick softly. Nick nodded, "Of course."

"Ever since we uh...Kissed things have just been awkward. Did I mess things up by suggesting we kiss? I'm sorry if I did. I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable at all or-" he was about to continue but Nick interrupted him with a kiss. 

Charlie blushed and melted into the kiss, he felt so safe with Nick. He knew Nick would never harm him in any way. The kiss answered his questions.

"No, you didn't. I'm so sorry for being all distant I just needed to think...That kiss made me question everything about my sexuality. I like you...A lot and I wanted to think bout what that meant by putting distance between us but I just missed you—"

It was Charlie's time to interrupt Nick's speech and it was a kiss. Nick kissed back endearing around Charlie's waist pulling him closer but making sure that he felt comfortable with his actions.

"I like you too." Charlie reassured Nick, "You are so kind and gentle and you saved me from such a bad relationship. I trust you and I like living with you. I just want to get over Hen first so I can focus on you and us." He explained the best he could, hoping Nick understood.

"I get it," Nick assured, rubbing Charlie's side. "Let's take things slow with us. We don't have to rush into it, I'd like that too. It will give me time to figure myself out."

Charlie leaned into Nick and nodded, "Okay yeah, that would be great."

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