Chapter 6: Under Pressure

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I drove another couple hours to Saint Louis Missouri. I rented a hotel for the next couple of weeks. I was determined to research Sam's whereabouts and activities since he'd been back from hell. At least that it had been confirmed. He very well could of decided to lay low for awhile before he started hunting again. Maybe if there was some sort of pattern it could help me figure out what was going on with him. I tracked down old cases and eyewitnesses. Questioned various people to try and get a better picture of his character since being back. Everyone seemed to be saying the same thing. He was thorough, he got the job done but he was cold and calculating in his delivery. Unfortunately as well I'd hear from several people that there had also been some casualties. Innocent people caught in the crossfire. I managed to track down the origin to his reappearance in Memphis Tennessee. Something deep in my gutt was telling that was my next stop. I glanced up at the clock in my hotel room. It was 8 o'clock at night. I still had one more night in the hotel paid for and decided I'd take some time tomorrow to see the sights before making the four hour drive south to Memphis.

I headed to bed and set my alarm to get up at 9 am, have breakfast and spend my last day in Saint Louis as a tourist. I showered when I woke the next morning and headed down to the free breakfast provided by the hotel. I ate some bacon and eggs then headed out into the sunshine. My first stop as a tourist in Saint Louis was the iconic Arch. The ride to the top produced a bit of anxiety but I sighed with contentment as I peered out across the city. Next I visited the art museum and took my time slowly browsing each section. It was peaceful and relaxing. After grabbing a quick bite I headed to the Cathedral Basilica as the sun was setting. I stood outside admiring the oranges and pinks glowing above me. I was glad I had decided to take a break for the day.

I headed into the heavy wooden doors to a sight that took my breath away. The shining tiled floors and the ornate designs on the ceilings made me feel at peace with the world. I wasn't really a religious person but for some reason I just felt safe here. I stepped through another set of doors into the sanctuary. It was beautifully lit up with candlelight. I sat in a pew in the middle to admire the dancing flames as they reflected off the designs on the walls and ceiling. I breathed in deep and closed my eyes. I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing but it felt like it wouldn't hurt to try. I began praying for guidance to show me the right path to helping Sam. I suddenly had the distinct feeling that someone was watching me and opened my eyes to see the man in the trench coat from my dreams.

I immediately shut and opened my eyes again, convinced it was my imagination. Sure enough he was still there, the candlelight forming a halo of glowing light around him. I was startled but felt no danger. After taking a moment to process my thoughts I spoke to him. "Who are you?" "Alex, Sam needs you. You must go to him." "I don't understand what that means and I have no idea what I'm doing." My eyes grew wide, " You know what's wrong with him don't you? You know more then you're letting on. If you think I can help him then why aren't you helping me?" My frustration boiled over, "Quit being so damn cryptic and tell me what's going on!" I shrank back in regret for losing my temper. "Please.."
The man opened his mouth and spoke in a gravely tone, "I am the angel Castiel. I pulled Sam Winchester from the cage. I suspect I did not bring him back with his soul intact. I cannot get close enough to him to confirm my suspensions. I need someone that he knows and trusts from before help to bring his guard down and convince him to let me help. We cannot inform Dean until we know for sure. Dean.. he's been through enough." The angel's serious expression gave away a hint of regret. He cared for the Winchesters, especially Dean.

"Do you know where I can find him Castiel?" He said his next words in a tone that the answer was right in front of my face. He looked like he was beginning to get frustrated with me. "Go to Memphis. You will find him there. You get him to let his guard down and convince him to let me look inside of him for his soul." I was feeling very overwhelmed and looked down for a moment to run my fingers back and forth across my temples. When I looked up again to respond to the angel he was just gone, like he had vanished into thin air. I took a moment to take a couple of deep breaths and rushed out of the Cathedral to my car. The moment I got in it I released a scream. "Angel's are real?! What the hell is going on?!" I forced myself to take a couple more deep breaths to try and calm down. "It's gonna be okay Alex," I said aloud to myself. "You've finally got a confirmed lead and a hell of a lot more answers then you had before arriving in Saint Louis." Although I was having a bit of an existential crisis about religion and God and everything else, I also knew deep down that it just made sense. It was like all the puzzle pieces were finally coming together. I turned over the engine in my car and headed back to the hotel. After taking a few quick shots of rum to help me relax I stripped my clothes and crawled into bed.

I awoke the next morning around 10 am and quickly jumped in the shower. My only lingering plans in Saint Louis was go grab a coffee, fill up my tank and head south. I knew I needed to be quick if I was going to beat traffic out of the city before noon. If I timed it right I'd be arriving in downtown Memphis just before evening traffic hit there. I washed up quickly and headed out the door. At the gas station across the street I grabbed a cup of coffee and headed back out to my car to fill up my gas tank. I sat and sipped on the hot beverage, leaning against my car. "You've got this Alex. You are gonna drive straight through and find a motel then hit up an amazing restaurant for some good old fashion southern food." I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I was determined to have a good day. I pulled out onto the street and headed south for I-55. With my favorite tunes blasting through the car, I'd almost convinced myself I wasn't terrified of the trials I was about to face. "One step at a time Alex."

After only needing to make one stop for gas and another coffee, I pulled into downtown Memphis around 4 pm. By the time I checked into the Hampton Inn on Beale Street is was closing in on 5 pm. I decided to take my time over the next hour getting a little dressed up. I wanted to enjoy at least one night in Memphis, not knowing what tomorrow would bring. I put on my favorite band t-shirt and a leather mini skirt. I laced up my usual combat boots and decided to go with red lips the color of wine. After fluffing up my dark brown shoulder length hair I smiled at myself in the mirror. I was ready to head out. I left on foot down Beale Street to my favorite place in Memphis. The BB King Blues Club. It was a decently warm night and I was glad I'd opted not to wear jeans. If I decide to partake in any drinks I'd get too warm and not be able to enjoy myself. I was approaching the establishment and looked up with a smile at the electric lights in the pale blue sky. It was going to be a damn good night. I was determined of that much.

I headed inside to the already blasting sounds of a local blues band onstage. My heart sped up in excitement and I was seated not long after paying the entrance fee at the door. I ordered some shrimp, grits and cornbread. I was so eager to dig in. I was brought my usual rum and coke. I sipped at my drink and stomped my foot to the music while waiting for my dinner to arrive. I finished up damn near all my food and patted my belly contently. I was so ready to have a few more drink and head out on to the dance floor. I ordered two more drinks after I finished up the first. One drink I gulped immediately while holding onto the other as I made my way over to where the band was playing. Taking a few sips of my third glass of rum and coke, I closed my eyes with a smile and began to sway to the music. Around 8 pm I headed to the bar for a quick breather and another drink.

This was definitely turning out to be a wonderful night. I tapped my foot to the music while sipping on my fourth drinks for the next 30 minutes or so. I'd decided I was ready to get back out on the dance floor. After finished off my drink I called to the bartender to send another my way. By now I was feeling pretty damn good and I asked to close out my tab when he handed the glass my way. He went to do just that when a familiar voice interjected and asked if I minded that he cover my bill. It might of ruined my mood to be surprised by him if I wasn't already working on my way to my fifth drink in for the night. My senses dulled made it much easier to hide my true feelings from him. "I believe this is going to turn out to be one hell of a night after all." I said to myself as I turned to greet him with a smile.

Soul To Steal: Sam Winchester Where stories live. Discover now