Chapter 8: Skies on Fire

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I awoke the next morning, still feeling exhausted. So many muscles were sore but I was feeling deliciously satisfied. I felt a chill and looked down to see that not only was I still on top of the covers but I was laying there in only my skirt still hiked up to my waist. Looking over in disappointment, I realized that Sam had left. I should of known he wouldn't stick around. That wasn't part of his new personality. Hopefully the angel was right and he could simply retrieve his soul. Feeling quite exposed I got up and headed for the bathroom. I stripped down and took a hot shower. I was feeling much better after putting back on my regular clothes. Looking at the clock I realized it was already almost noon. I packed up my bag to check out and head to my car. Wondering what my next move would be I came to the conclusion that in order to find Sam I needed to think like him. Cold and calculating.

I pulled out my tablet and began searching for possible cases in Memphis. After an hour or so of frustration, the silence was interrupted by my stomach. I figured getting something to eat would provide not only needed energy but a much needed break. I found a nearby Cafe and ordered the lunch special. I got impatient and began scrolling through my tablet once more as I finished up the last few bites of my meal. Shoving my tablet in my bag with an annoyed sigh, I headed back out to my car. Crossing my fingers, I made the decision to call Sam in hopes that he would pick up this time. The phone range only once. "Alex, what's up?" Sam asked in hushed tones. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" "Yeeah.. kind of. Actually, I'm gonna send you some coordinates. If you aren't working yourself of course. Got something to show you." I put Sam on speaker and viewed my text messages. Punching in the coordinates on my tablet I discovered he was less then 30 minutes away from me at Memorial Park Funeral Home and Cemetery. "You still there?" "Yeah, sorry. Looks like I'm not far from you. I can be there within the half hour." "Perfect, see you soon Alex." Sam stated enthusiastically and immediately hung up the phone. I started up my car and headed out.

As I approached the funeral home I cam across his car parked out of sight about 30 feet before the entrance. I pulled up just behind him and parked my car. Sam was sitting in his charger and I hopped in the passenger seat. He looked over with a slight smile and said, "I think you're gonna love this one." My eyebrows knotted in confusion, "Oh yeah.. what did you want to show me?" Sam immediately exited his car and motioned for me to follow him. As we came up on the property he glanced back and brought his finger to his lips, signaling for me to keep quiet. I followed him to some hedges on the property and crouched behind them out of sight. "Okay so.. I've been tracking this vamp nest for the past week and finally discovered they had settled here." "In a funeral home?" I asked confused. "Yes, now either they are holding up the family that owns it hostage or they've murdered them but they are in there and it's a big nest." "Well Sam, what's the plan?" "I thought I'd bring a partner in on this," He gave me a mischievous grin. "Oh, I mean.. yeah I'm down. Do you have a plan to avoid possible casualties?" He looked quickly away, guilt in his eyes. "I'm working on it.." "Let's grab a bite first and we can work on it together. We are gonna need the energy for something like this don't ya think?" "Yeah, you're right."

Sam got up and we began walking back to where our cars were parked. I decided to go for it and ask him about the angel. "Hey.. do you and Castiel still talk?" "Not really, why?" "I crossed paths with him awhile back and he was asking about you. Said he needed to talk but he wasn't sure if you'd agree." I bit my lip, looking in the other direction as casually as I could. I really hoped he wasn't about to shut this conversation day. Things would go a lot smoother if he agreed to it. "Yeah, I don't know. Maybe.. but not until after we finish this job Alex." I looked him in the eyes and nodded in agreement. Sam opened his door and glanced my way one more time before getting in. Meet me on the corner of Beale Street at 4 pm." "You got it," I said with a grin and jumped inside my car as he was pulling away.

I had an hour or so to kill and decided I'd go take a tour of Sun Studios. It was really cool to be inside such a historic building but as I watched people taking pictures I realized it wasn't quite as fun doing it alone. For the first time in my life I started to question if I really wanted to be a hunter for the rest of my life. I made my way over to Beale Street around 3:30 pm. I decided to browse some shops before arriving at our meeting spot. It was a nice sunny day and it felt good to just be outside. I arrived at my destination about five minutes later then planned but I didn't think Sam would mind. Sitting down on a bench, I started people watching to pass the time. Around 4:30 pm I got impatient and flipped through my phone just to make sure I hadn't missed a call from Sam. I shot him a text. No response. The more minutes ticked by the more uneasy I began to feel. It was suddenly 5 o'clock and the sun was setting. I finally convinced myself to just call him and it went straight to voice-mail. I knew going after that vamp nest was going to damn near be a suicide mission if we arrived there any later.

Then it dawned on me. "Oh hell no!" I ran to my car and started the engine in a panic, tires squilling as I picked up speed. I replayed our conversation from earlier in my head. "How could you have been so stupid Alex!" The moment I opened my foolish mouth about casualties was probably the exact same moment Sam decided he was going to complete the job on his own. I damn well knew better and I let my feelings for him cloud my judgement. He isn't the same guy I knew before. I choked back a sob as I realized that he may never be. I squilled to a stop behind Sam's car. The smell of smoke was thick in the air the moment I opened my door. As I ran around the corner to the Funeral Home, I saw belowing black smoke and flames. The entire place was engulfed!

I ran towards the building, panic rising in my gutt. I was coughing uncontrollably, even with my shirt pulled over my mouth and nose. I spotted him near the front door, he was so close the flames appeared to be licking around his tall frame. "Sam! Sam, what did you do!!" I yelled at him as I cautiously moved closer, the heat was so intense. I grabbed him by the sleeve, "Sam please, we have to go!" "Any minute now.." He was staring intently at the front door. I suddenly jumped back in shock as vampires came running out screaming and writhing in agony. The putrid smell of their baking skin was causing bile to rise in my throat. Tears began to stream down my face as I imagine the possibility that some of those might of been innocent people. "Sam, please..." I begged him, trying desperately to get him to look me in the eyes. He finally looked back and nodded. We ran back down the block where our cars were parked. Sam got in his car and I got in mine to follow him. About 20 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of a Super 8.

He got out of his vehicle and came to my car as I was opening the door. Sam looked down on me with that same curious look he had given me that night he beheaded the woman right in front of me. "Stay here for a minute and get yourself together. I'm up in room 108 whenever you're done." He promptly headed inside and left me alone out in the parking lot.
My face still damp with tears I went to wipe my eyes and realised I was covered in black soot. New Tears sprang from my eyes. "I can't do this anymore.." I sobbed. I knew I needed to stop trying to be the lone hero and finally do what everyone had been telling me not to. It was time to call Dean. I pulled out my phone and pulled up his number. Before dialing I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Ellen, I'm sorry Castiel." I opened my eyes and hit the call button.

Soul To Steal: Sam Winchester Where stories live. Discover now