Chapter 13: Don't Fear the Reaper

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I stood just out of sight of Lisa's hospital room, watching in quiet desperation as Ben and Dean stood helplessly by her bedside. She was stable now but had yet to wake up. I could practically feel the struggle in Dean as he fought to hold back his tears. "I'm going to use the bathroom Dean," Ben said quietly as he attempted to look Dean in the eyes. Dean maintained his gaze on Lisa as he answered, "Yeah, okay. Come right back when your done kid." Ben left the room and hesitantly stepped forward. I wanted to comfort Dean but I just wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do in this moment. Before I could make up my mind, the angel appeared on the other side of the doorway. I jumped slightly, maybe I was getting used to his constant popping in and out of the picture. He motioned for me to be still before entering the room.

"It's too dangerous for them Cas..." Dean trailed off as a tear spilled down his cheek. He continued to watch Lisa as he spoke, sensing the presence of the angel. There was but a moment of silence before he made eye contact Castiel, a look of absolution in his eyes. Sensing his thoughts I struggled to interject. Steely resolve spread across his face as he looked onto me in warning. It's not that I had to listen to Dean but there was something about the look in his eyes that could stop a bear in its tracks. He turned to the angel once more, one last tear escaping his eyes. "Cas, I want you to make them forget they ever knew me. I can't keep putting them in danger like this." Castiel looked onto him with concern but soon realized even he couldn't say no to Dean Winchester. Dean grabbed me by the arm and left the room just in time for Ben to come back.

There was a short moment of confusion in his eyes before Castiel lifted his fingers to his forehead before turning to Lisa to do the same. Dean held me firmly by the arm as he witnessed the angel follow through with his request. Ben looked back afterwards, making eye contact with Dean as the angel disappeared from the room. The realization of what he had requested hit him hard as he wrapped his arm around me to steady himself. Ben looked upon him as a stranger, confused by his presence. I felt Dean gulp and grab my hand to drag me away before we could be questioned.

We made our way to the waiting room to find Sam slouched casually in a chair and looking at his phone screen. The look in Dean's eyes was painful to watch as he stared down at his brother. Dean needed Sam more then ever and it seemed as if he couldn't care less. I felt the pit in my stomach grow heavy as I thought to myself. We have got to get his soul back right now. "Time to go Sam," Dean ordered as his brother looked up in confusion. We all headed back to Sam's car and road to pick up the impala in awkward silence. Once his car had been retrieved, I road with Sam to follow Dean on the ride to Bobby's house. It was well into the night and I must have fallen asleep on the drive. I woke with a start as I felt the car come to a stop. The sun seemed to have risen a few hours back. Rubbing my eyes, I glanced over at Dean. The look on his face was weary but resolute. He was more then ready to get to work at retrieving his brother's soul.

As the three of us approached Bobby's front door, I looked around at the collection of junk car's littering the yard. A half smile reached the corner of my mouth. There was a certain comfort in that moment, knowing that some things never changed. Bobby walked out the door to greet us. Emotion shined in his eyes but he did not shed a tear. A knowing look in his eyes as he looked upon Sam. "Bobby." Sam nodded his head in greeting but no emotion was displayed. Bobby took a moment to look between the brothers, a fatherly concern etched in the wrinkled corners of his eyes. "Let's get inside," he said as he bowed his head and turned to lead us to the open front door.

Bobby immediately went to the fridge as we entered his kitchen. He cracked open a beer for each of us before joining Sam to sit at the table. Dean and I leaned against the counter on opposite sides of the kitchen. There was a growing tension in the air and I longed for someone to break the silence. I wallowed in the bitter taste of the alcohol lingering against my tongue as Dean cleared his throat to speak. "Let's get to work Bobby. " The older gentleman sighed as he stood up to head to the rows of books in his study, taking one last swig of his beer. "Hold on now. I think I've figured out a much quicker solution. " Everyone turned to look at me, a different emotion in each of their eyes. "We need to summon Death," I spoke with certainty before quickly downing the rest of my beer. Dean's eyes lit up with hope as he began to walk my way. He was stopped short by Sam who quickly stood, a look of fear in his eyes. "I'm just not sure about this Dean," Sam's voice began to rise in panic. It looked as though a scuffle might break out between the two of them as Sam eyed the exit.

Bobby swiftly came back into the room and raised his hands into the air. "Now boys, let's just all calm down. Sam, I need some help bringing up some books from the basement. Dean, have a seat and open yourself another damn beer." Sam glanced wearily back at his brother and promptly followed Bobby downstairs. Dean gulped down his beer and headed for the fridge to grab another. I let out a baited breath and sat beside him. Dean took a swig of his drink and there was a commotion below us. Dean ran to the stairs in time to see Bobby standing at the bottom. "It's for your own good Sam," I heard him say as he begin to ascend the old wooden staircase. Realization dawned on Dean as Bobby made his way back to the kitchen. Sam had been tricked into the panic room and the door had been locked up tight. I heard banging as Bobby shut the basement door behind him. "Why don't you two go get some rest before we get started. Dean, don't argue with me. You look like hell."

I followed Dean down the hallway, not entirely sure where I was going. I had never been past the kitchen at Bobby's. I stood there, unsure of myself as Dean entered a room and sat on the bed. He looked up at me as he began to undo the laces on his boots. "There's plenty of room in here Alex." I nodded at him and slowly walked through the doorway. I made my way to the corner of the room and sat down on the other side of the bed as Dean removed his jacket. He laid down on top of the covers and closed his his eyes. I removed my jacket and shoes before laying down on my side to face Dean. He looked almost peaceful but I saw his pain lingering on the corners of his mouth. "Quit staring at me and get some sleep." I let out an awkward laugh and closed my eyes. I awoke sometime later to the sound of Dean talking. I was quick to realize he was having a nightmare and it sounded as though it was getting quite emotional. "Lisa!" He yelled. I was desperate to ease his worry and reached out to gently touch his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay." I was slightly startled when his hand moved forward and pulled me in at the hip. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled his head to my chest. "Shhh.. it's okay," I whispered as I ran my fingers through his hair. He wrapped his arm around me and began to relax once more. I lay there with Dean Winchester wrapped around my tightly, desperate to get just a little more sleep. Soon, I drifted off.

I awoke hours later and turned my tired gaze to the window. The sun was setting and I let out an exasperated sigh. Damn, we'd slept most of the day. My movement woke Dean with a start. He looked up at me with a confused look on his face and immediately pulled himself out of my arms. Smoothing down his shirt, he cleared his throat and flashed an uneasy grin at me. "You get any sleep Alex?" "Yeah, some. You feeling any better?" Dean flashed another smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes and leaned over the bed to retrieve his boots. Soon enough I was following him to the study where we found Bobby snoozing in a chair with his hat pulled over his eyes. "Bobby, you got the ingredients to summon Death." The hunter sat up, slightly startled and rubbed his eyes. I helped him grab the ingredients and we made our way down to the basement. Dean set everything up and I held my breath as flames flickered in the green of his eyes. "Dean," Death was suddenly before us, greeting him with a tone of weary frustration. This clearly wasn't his first encounter with Dean Winchester.

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