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You sit next to the wooden table, while the crow stands on it.

"What shall you eat?"

Liquid alertness for the ever-observant," the raven muses. A mug of steaming coffee appears before you. "Let me guess... got any burning questions to go with that?"

Before you can react, the crow swiftly asks for a heap of worms, which immediately appear before it.

The crow caws in contentment as it nibbles on its meal.

Swallowing a bite of its wormy delight, the raven fixes its gaze on you. "Right, onto the meatier subject! Running this joint on your own would be akin to trying to fly without wings."

The raven leans in, its voice conspiratorial. "But luckly for you, I have vast network of connections, and already scouted some potential crew members for our lovely establishment.

Each one excels in a particular role, and together, they might just be the dream team you need."

You raise an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Trust me," the raven smirks, "I've got an eye for talent. Shiny coins too. Five... 'people'. five roles to fill. But you'll have the final say, of course. After all, this is your show, your choice alone!"


The raven fluffs its feathers, looking quite pleased with itself.

"Alright, for our grand reopening, we'll need some help.

I've scouted out a security guard, an accountant, a bartender, an entertainer, and a custodian. Each one has their own set of skills and... quirks, let's say."

You raise an eyebrow. "And where might these candidates be?"

The raven smirks, its beady eyes gleaming with mischief. "Downstairs. Ready and waiting for their interviews with the new boss."

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