chapter twelve: Who's Evan to you?

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Damien POV.....

With full believe that the voice belongs to Evan, I stepped on my car and speed off to the location.

My heart was racing like crazy as I drove furiously to Evan's family building. All I could imagine right now is if he's alright because he sounded faint on the phone.

And what bothers me the most is why did he decided to call me when his sisters are very much close by.

But I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the road. The distance to Evan's building would have lasted for fifteen minutes. But my speed driving made it seven minutes.

Immediately I arrived, I knew straight up I have to use a disguise because right in front of me, are numerous medias with cameras flashing all over the place.

I put on my sun glasses and covered half my face with a nose mask. People can still recognize me with my hairstyle. So I tied my shoulder length hair up to a bun and stepped out of my flashy sport car.

The cameras flashed to my direction immediately. But I shook off the thought of saying a word.

I just walked my way to Lora who had her mouth hung open in shock. For sure she'll recognize me because..... She once dated my brother. No big deal.

She suddenly frowned at me and asked with folded arms around her chest.

"What're you doing here?" She asked staring straight at me.

"Let me in. It's important." I said calmly even when I'm screaming with desperate urgency inside.

"For?." She asked again.

"The time we're wasting right now is important to someone's life. Let me in right now." I said sounding more cold and annoyed.

She hesitated and turn around to walk in. I immediately walked behind her into the house and closed the door after me.

The house isn't too big obviously. Nothing interesting to see. I looked around searching for Evan's room. But I clearly know that without Lora help, I can't find it.

"Where's Evan's room located?." I asked immediately while taking off my nose mask.

She turn to me and shoot me a deadly glare. With one glance of her, I know straight away she's gonna delay finding Evan for me.

"What do you want?." She asked.

"I want to see Evan." I answered with immediately. She's delaying this whole thing and it's beginning to get on my nerves.

"Ummm.....the thing is, I don't want you in my house, and honestly....Evan needs some time alone. He don't want to see anyone." Lora said.

"Just do what I asked!!!. What is wrong with you!!. I promise you this that if anything bad happens to Evan, I'll have you arrested!." I yelled coldly. But she just folded her hand

"And who Evan's to you?." Lora asked again.

"Jeez!!!." I screamed furiously out of frustration.

"Evan's room is the last room upstairs at the hallway." Annabella who just stepped in replied softly.

I ran upstairs and Evan's room was locked from inside. Lora and Annabella followed behind me hurriedly in curiosity. I knocked impatiently at the door. But there was no response.

"Everyone step back. I'll have to break it down." I said with obvious seriousness.

"What're you doing?. Don't do it." Lora try to protest. But at that moment, I forcefully hit the door down.

The loud noise of the door crashing down gave me chills. I ran into the room and turn around to every corner of the room. And finally, laying lifelessly on the cold floor was Evan's body.

His face was covered with his messy brown hair. His phone was at the tip of his fingers. I rushed to his side and lifted his head on my thigh. That's when I noticed my hands are wet and dripping with thick blood from Evan's hair. The floor I raised Evan's body from was also gathered with blood.

Lora and Annabella gasp in shock. Lora ran to Evan's side while Annabella covered her mouth with both hands and screamed with fear as tears stream down her cheeks.

I checked Evan's pulse and it was so faint and slow. My God!!! He's dying.

"We have to take him to the hospital right now!!." Lora yelled with threatening tears. I turn to her and clearly saw the fear written over her face.

"How on earth can we be able to take him out of this compound without the media's awareness?." I asked and we all went silent for a while.

"I know what to do." I said after some seconds of silence between us. They nodded without questions. I lifted Evan to my chest in a bridal style. He was as fragile as a flower. Who would have thought Evan's a light weight?

We all rushed down stairs. Lora opened the front door and I stepped out first with Evan's body on my arms.

Immediately the media saw me, they rushed to me and started flashing cameras at my face. Of course now they recognize me with my face mask was off.

"Damien is here!!!. Sir can you tell me what you're doing here?." One of the lady with a microphone asked.

"Who's Evan to you?. Is he your boyfriend?. Are you guys in a relationship?." Another lady asked.

"Is it true that Evan was raped by the famous Alex Derek?. Is it true that Evan is gay?." A man with cameras asked.

"Is that Evan on your arms?. What happened to him? Was he really raped?. Please answer us Damien Sterling." A lady try to force out a word from him.

I scoffed and said to them coldly.

"I swear to God. If by any accident any of these videos and pictures link into the internet, I'll sue you'll for disrespecting my privacy. Out of my way at once!." I thundered at them and they all became mute. They step back and I walked to my sport car with Evan firm body pressed against my chest.

Lora and Annabella ran to my side and helped me place Evan gently into the backseat while the media stare in awe.

We all stepped into the car and I speed off to the nearest reliable hospital in the neighborhood.

"Can Evan really survive this tragic incident?


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