Chapter sixteen: He's wake!!!

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It's been two weeks now and Evan's still in a coma. Damien was able to bring back his consciousness but he couldn't do more than that. The doctors find hard to believe such miracle that Evan can ever come back alive. But the only thing is, he's still unconscious. And there's no telling when he'll ever wake up.

Evan's family property was taken away from them, and their account got banned. The only property they have now is Annabella gifted house. Her account wasn't banned either. And luckily for them, they saved a lot of cash in her account.

Mrs Davis woke up after some hours. While Annabella got discharged after two days. Lora sobbed day and night each time and blame herself continuously for what happened to Evan. She had to skip school to avoid questions from teachers, friends, and also the media who hung around for information.

Damien showed up at the hospital every day to check up on Evan. So as Liam. He was furious at Damien for informing the media in the first place.

Everything just happened in a hurry and no one can stop the fury approaching. Mr Davis was so frustrated to the point where he had to take a loan. But no one offered him even when he pleaded. They all point mocking fingers at him and his family.

While Mrs Davis got too stressed out from bad emotions that she got no time for her job. She eventually got a fired later from her boss.

The only one that can stop all this is Evan. If he can stand in front of the media and prove to everyone that it was all a false rumor. And nothing really happened.

But right now, there's nothing anyone can do than just pray and hope Evan regain consciousness again.


Annabella Villa.....

The telephone ringtone got everyone's attention within a minute.

"Who could have been calling for so long now?" Mrs Davis reluctantly answered the call after lamenting to herself.

"Hello... Good afternoon. Who's this?." Mrs Davis spared no time for the other person to speak.

"Good afternoon ma'am. I'm I speaking with Mrs Davis?." A female voice asked.

"Yes. Who's this?." Mrs Davis replied.

"I'm calling from hospital. I just called to inform you that Evan's conscious now. And doctor Phillip wants to see you." She said and hung up the call.

Mrs Davis stood rooted in the spot for some seconds before she screamed in joy. Annabella and Lora ran down stairs with curiosity.

"Mom what's wrong?. What happened?." Lora asked worriedly.

"Evan's awake!. My son is awake!!!" Mrs Davis beamed in joy.

"Get my car ready. We're going to the hospital right now to see my son!." Mr Davis who overhead everything from upstairs hurried down stairs with the brightest smile.

They all set out to the Evan's hospital immediately. Excited and relief is all they felt at the moment. With so much excitement, they bought flowers and fluffy teddy bear for Evan as a welcome gift.

With happy steps they strolled into the Evan's ward......


Hey guys 👋😄

Please watch out for the next chapter. And please don't forget to rate, comment and share. Thank you 💕

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