Chapter twenty four: Seven innocent souls.

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Evan's POV....

"I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry." I apologized with guilt. Honestly speaking, I shouldn't have slapped him.

His face darkened and he stared down at me. I shivered. Without a word, he stood up from the bed. I thought he was about to exit the room and finally leave me alone. But no I was wrong.

He carefully reach out to his waist and started undoing his belt... His eyes were glued to me. The frown on his face was more serious than ever before.

"Come closer." He uttered coldly. I gulped.

"Why should I?." I asked nervously.

"Because you don't want me to cut you." He said firmly while he slowly withdraw a little sharp blade from his left pocket.

My eyes grew wild in shock. What'll happen if I disobey him?. He'll stab me to death. I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. I moved to the edge of the bed with head down. Before I know it, Damien was already standing in front of front of me. Totally naked with his huge hard dick facing me.

"Open your mouth and suck it." He commanded. I was startled. I'm not gay. I'm straight. I looked up at his face.

"Do it Evan. Don't waste my time." He warned sternly. I shook my head slowly and he slapped me hard across the face.

"Ahhhh." I cried bitterly as I held my burning cheek.

"I said do it!." He commanded with so much seriousness.

"Please don't do this. I beg you. I'm not gay. Let me go Damien please." I sobbed bitterly.

Damien groaned angrily and gave me another slap on my other cheek. I screamed in pain and hurriedly covered my face. But he gripped my hair and pulled it backward so hard. I cried and pleaded for mercy.

"Please stop hurting me!. Please...I'll do as you've said. Just please let go off my hair. It hurts!!." I begged within sobs.

"Do it now before I do worse to you." He warned again. I hurriedly nodded and he let go off my pained hair. I slowly raised my face to meet he's. My face was covered with tears and red marks. I reach out my hand and gripped his dick gently.

"Ummm....yeah.... Suck it." Damien moan slowly.

I was too naive and I haven't done this before. Saying no to Damien is like signing my own death wish. If this is a dream, I pray to wake up immediately.

"Go on your knees right now and suck me off Evan. I mean right now!." Damien sternly commanded.

I went on my knees hurriedly and guided Damien's dick into my mouth. Honestly, his dick tasted nice- no!. I mean to say...not bad. He suddenly let out a moan. His dick was so huge in my mouth that I couldn't take half the length into my mouth without choking.

But Damien was having a good time stroking and gripping my hair while he let out moans every now and then.

"Good boy. Go on and take it deeper into your throat. Yeah... Like that.. Good... Oh yeah. Just like that Evan.....Oh fuck! .....yeah... Evan don't stop....oh fuck...yeah!." Liam kept moaning and I can sense it that he's getting close. I did all he asked me to do. But it was never enough for him.

He grabbed my hair and fucked my throat while I choke on his cock. But he didn't bother to stop until he released his slimy cum on my mouth and forced me to swallow it. Which I did all thanks to his assault. I stood up from my knees and sat on the edge of the bed to catch up with my breath.

I thought I was finally free from him and that he'll let me go back to sleep so I can wake up to find myself back in the hospital. But I was wrong. His next statement shocked the daylight out of me.

"Lay on the bed and part your two legs." Liam said.

"-What?." I asked with a shaky voice.

"Don't let me repeat myself Evan. Do as I say without questions." He insisted boldly.

"I'm straight!. Damien please don't do this I'm begging you. I'm not gay..." I went on my knees again with new choking tears running down my face.

"If you don't do it, I'll use force on you. Don't blame me in the future for hurting you." Damien warned.

"Why are you doing this to me?. What have I done wrong to deserve this painful treatment from you?." I cried on his feet non stop trying to persuade him from his made-up mind.

"Evan don't keep me waiting!." Damien said impatiently.

"Just kill me instead of humiliating me this way!. You claimed to be my friend. And now you want to rape me?. I've gone through horrible rape experience Damien please don't do this to me. Please!." I sobbed on his feet. It's best I die now than to stay alive and watch as someone else assault me.

Watch out for the next part. 🔥🔥🔥😁😁😁

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