Dark Hole

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Natsu's POV

"Well as it turns out I'm---" Lucy began to say but was interrupted by a loud bang and people yelling. Lucy looked up angrily to see a girl with blue hair run towards the entrance.

"Grey, command it," Lucy growled out. Grey nodded and released Erza after whispering something in her ear. Erza lunged towards the girl and tackled her down. The girl let out a scream of pain and surprise.

"NO, NOT AGAIN!! I PROMISE I WON'T DEGRADE THE GUILD AGAIN!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!! JUST DON'T PUT ME DOWN THERE AGAIN!!" the girl yelled out. Everyone around us started to laugh apart from Lucy and Zeref.

"But I can't do that Levy-chan. You did, after all, say that we are an extremly abusive guild," Lucy said with a deadly smile. "Zeref~~ can you come here for a second?" Zeref slowly walked towards Lucy, almost falling a few times. When Zeref was right in front of her she patted his head.

"Raise me up Zeref-sama!" Lucy said like a little kid. Zeref then used his magic to lift her into the air above him and put her in a sitting position. Everyone started to get crazy and started to chant.

"Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!" they chanted over and over as Grey turned the guild into an arena. Erza, while he did that, took Levy to the middle of the arena and sat on her, waiting.

"YEAHH!!!!" everyone cheered even louder.

"It's time to play a game everyone!" everyone cheered when she said this. "Levy-chan! Pick a number from 1 through 10!" she yelled out in pure bliss.

"2," Levy whispered so quietly that I could barely hear. The guildmates groaned in annoyance that she picked such a low number.

"That number is too low Levy, but too bad! Let's get Gajeel and Romeo in here!!! Hahaha!!!" Lucy continued to laugh as they brought out Gajeel and Romeo. They both looked stronger and older but I could see that they didn't really want to hurt her.

"Pick a letter Levy-chan!" Lucy said once more.

"R," Levy said hesitantly. Lucy grinned widely at this.

"Hey everyone! What does R stand for??" she asked everyone.

"RAPE!!!!" everyone cheered.

"In order to win you have to make sure that these two boys aren't able to rape you for 1 hour!" Lucy said. "Start!!!!" Gajeel and Romeo both lunged forward to attack her and when I saw that I lunged over to help her but I felt something hold me back.

"Stay Natsu, you shouldn't help here. This is how our guild works. She's a strong mage so she should be able to beat both of them. After all she is the fourth strongest in our guild," a voice spoke in my head. I turned around to see that it was Erza holding me back. I looked at her in confusion of how she was able to talk to me but before I could ask anything cheering erupted from everyone. I turned to see that both Gajeel and Romeo were on the floor bleeding heavily and they ever also unconscious. I stared at Levy in surprise and noticed that her face was covered with blood.

"FAIRYYYYYY TAILLLLL!!!!!" Levy yelled at the top of her lungs happily while making a triumphant pose. I was rooted to the ground and I couldn't move. I still didn't move when someone started to take me to the basement and proceeded to lock me in a cell eoom next to someone else's. Fear flooded over me as I heard whimpering, yelling, crying, and screaming all around me in the other rooms. I couldn't even block the noise out when I had my hands over my ears. The room was dark and cold. It was made with a material similar to concrete but I could hear everything that happened outside my room. I tried to raise my hand to brush my hair out of my eyes but something heavy weighed it down. I looked at my hands and saw that thick chain were around each wrist. I tried to use my magic to break free but for some reason it would activate. I soon found out that I couldn't move my whole body. The room started to become darker and darker until I couldn't even see an inch in front of my eyes.


The loud noise startled me and if I could I would've jump up into a standing position. I could hear someone opening the door to my room. When I saw who is was all I could think of was the word "Help".


Sorry for not updating in a long time, I'm going to updating more now.....I hope. Thanks for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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