New Book‼️ Who This⁉️

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A new book has fallen upon us, everyone! For I have way too many stories I want to tell and not enough space to do so! :D

I highly recommend for anyone who stumbles upon this book ad doesn't really know who's who and what's what to please give a read to 'TDS Headcanons', for every character you will have the headcanons needed to understand what's happening in these stories and if you want to know even more about this universe check out the main tale named 'Titan Turn'.

This book will contain short tales separate from the main one, that we maybe don't have the time to describe in detail otherwise. This is also a way for me to flesh out some characters that may take minor roles in my TDS book 'Titan Turn'. (Gotta give the underdogs some spotlight, can't let Gravedigger have it all!)

Do not expect regular updates!! This is only for fun so it's a little more casual, without a schedule like the main book. When an idea pops up, the story will follow it! (If there are any Towers/ Titans you would be curious to see in a story, you can write about them in the comments. However, do know that it is not guaranteed they will be getting one, it all depends if I have the inspiration to or not.. Or if they have something big planned for the main book in which case no spoilers ;] ). With all of this out of the way I hope you enjoy the future adventures our beloved Titans and Towers have to go on!

TDS Short Stories Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum