Krampus' Christmas Tale

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It was the 24th of December, a chilly day, perfect for spending some time behind doors, neatly warm by the fireplace.. However, for the Void Family it would be a rather different holiday this year. An unexpected invite appeared on their doorstep the week prior. It was from Commander and Medic, who had invited them over to the base for dinner on Christmas Eve. With a good bit of their soldiers leaving to see their families for the holidays, the base was rather empty and so all the decorating ran a bit later than usual.

Krampus, Grave, Molten and Ducky were helping DJ and Scout put up the last few baubles on the tree.. Most of them were already up but they could use a last few touch ups which the Titans paid no mind in helping with. Fallen, Medic and Commander were in the kitchen getting some snacks and hot cocoa ready as Frost Spirit and Lord Sinister prepared the table.
Their elders, Void Reaver and Swordmaster didn't come with them as they were away for the time being on another one of their business trips, establishing trading routes with other kingdoms and boring stuff like that. In reality, Void's sons knew he just wanted some alone time with his partner and so, they didn't bother questioning them further.

With lovely carols playing from DJ's assorted playlist, the atmosphere really made Scout feel more festive than ever. He hadn't had such a joyful Christmas in a long time...He couldn't always go back home to his mother and brother to stay with them.. And it wasn't that he, Commander and Medic didn't celebrate it..It's just... It felt a lot more lonely.. Less chatter, less banter, less laughs, it just wasn't the same...But this year, it really got better with more people around.

"Scout, my boy, is everything alright?"

The young Tower let go of the red bauble he was holding, narrowly catching it as he was surprised by the sudden mention of his name. He looked back at Krampus smiling towards him warmly as he picked up another ornament.

"You just looked lost in your thoughts that's all"

"Yeah.. Yeah! I am fine!"

Scout went quiet again after Ducky called for his uncle's help in reaching a higher branch. They really were celebrating with a whole new family this year and not just any family... The man he had been told stories about as a child every Christmas.. How he would steal naughty children and either eat them or beat them based on the version...Was sitting right next to him... helping him decorate.
Was Krampus really Santa's helper or maybe his enemy? The one who punished those with ill intentions... He couldn't be.. Santa's not even real! Though there was that one time they had to fight evil elves... Maybe he is...

"Alright, what's going on with you 'cause I've been seeing you stare at that little globe for ten minutes now!"

Scout turned away from the tree to face Gravedigger. His green hair matched his ugly Christmas sweater, which Scout barely got him to wear. His young friend was smirking at him as he took the bauble and hanged it up for him.

"...Do..Do you believe in Christmas myths?"

Grave blinked curiously, "...What?"

"..Well, do you?"

"Scout, if you are going to start telling me Santa's real, I swear-''

The Tower shushed him, whispering
"Noooo! Not that! Like... You know the stories about your uncle.."

"Wha- No! Scout, he doesn't steal kids! What the heck?!"

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