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-inside the office-

*Alejandro looks at the bulletin board, he inspected it closely*

"Huh.. these are all the places the thief struck"

*Cody nods*
"Yep, and I know where they'll strike next"

*Cody places a picture of the famous jewelry museum onto the bulletin board*

"This is where they'll strike next, if I make a few calls maybe the museum let me investigate the museum for the night.. maybe I'll trap the thief and this case will be done with"

*Alejandro raise an eyebrow*
"You're planning on staying the night at the museum?.. they already have security guards i'm sure they're competent"

*Cody shook his head slightly*
"They're just there to ward off people, they're all bark no bite kind of stuff, plus the security is very easy to disable even if they don't think so"

*Alejandro chuckled*
"Look they're a very important museum I doubt they'll even let you investigate, look the security guards got this, just rest and don't think twice about something like this"

*Cody shook his head*
"Better safe than sorry, it'll be just one time, once I catch the thief I'll stop this whole case and I can finally solve.. other things.."

*Alejandro sighed*
"Well I think you shouldn't waste your time on something like this that you're not even a hundred percent sure that the thief will show up"

*Cody walks over to the desk and starts to call the museum*
"C'mon.. I'm sure this case will be done with after this one thing, if I'm wrong then thats fine.. I'm sure I'll do better next time.. and if I'm right then I'm right and this case will be done and over with, either situation doesn't have a relatively bad out come"

*Cody looked back at Alejandro*
"So what do you say? Lets go Investigate?"

*Alejandro shakes his head*
"No thanks but you can go ahead, I'm not stopping you"

*Cody sighed*
"Well that was disappointing, I guess I'll go alone, nothing too different from my other partner"

*Alejandro pinched his nose bridge and sighed*
"I'm not going with you to the museum, thats my final answer, maybe I will next time but not today"

*Cody finished talking on the phone with the museum owner*

*Cody put on his coat*
"I'll go to the museum, alone, I guess you should go home since its already late"

*Cody then left to go to the museum*

-inside the museum-

*Cody was looking around, the only people there were a few security guards*

"This place is bigger than I imagined, this is definitely where the thief will strike.. in the meantime I guess looking around couldn't hurt"

*Cody began to look around the museum, he was just aimlessly walking around just waiting for the thief to show up*

*he decided to sit down and maybe take a short nap since it seemed that the thief was not going to come anytime soon*

*Cody sat down not expecting anything yet until he heard the alarm go off, he quickly went over to where he heard the alarm go off*

*shattered glass was scattered across the floor, the thief had a necklace in their hands, once they say Cody they quickly left through the window, Cody quickly followed after*

*it was a long chase it seemed like it would go on and on until Cody eventually lost the thief.. they went around a corner and when Cody got to the corner he saw no one*

*he stood there at a corner frantically looking for the thief but to no avail, they're already long gone*

"God Damnit"

*Cody sighed and caught his breath*

"I failed..."

*Cody he laid down on the ground and just looked up at the sky as snow fell*

*Cody thought about the whole case and how he could've finished the case already if he was just faster...*

*after a good 20-30ish minutes he went home*

*when he got to the door of his apartment he spotted a candy bar.. with a note attached to it, he picked it up and looked at the note*

"Dear Cody,
You seem to have failed in catching me, but do not worry
There will always be next time -sincerely, blank"

*Cody stared at the candy bar for a good minute, it was basically taunting him at this point*

*Cody stared at the candy bar for a good minute, it was basically taunting him at this point*

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Detective au alecodyWhere stories live. Discover now