Melted chocolate

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-the next morning-

*Alejandro was drinking some coffee in the break room*

*Cody walked into the break room looking very tired, he went over to the counter and started making some hot chocolate*

"You look dead.."
*Alejandro said in a nonchalant tone*

"Well the thief struck once again... made me stay up all night thinking about how to catch them"
*Cody groans as he finished up making hot chocolate*

"Uh huh, thats cool and all but shouldn't you rest or something, its not okay to work while sleep deprived"
*Alejandro took a sip of his coffee*

"No thanks, I got lots to do today, first off I have to check out the crime scene to look for clues, then I'll ask the security guard for last night's footage.. and I'm probably boring you"
*Cody sighs and takes a sip of his hot chocolate*

"Well throw that out of the window, we're going to do something more important"
*Alejandro put down his coffee mug*

"Oh, and what is that?"
*Cody asked puzzled*

"We're going to the diner down the road"
*Alejandro smiles at Cody and wraps his arm around him*

"And how is this more important than investigating the crime scene?"
*Cody also put his mug down*

"Well it might be good for us to get along.. we started off on the wrong foot and I would like for that to change"
*Alejandro continued to smile at Cody*

*Cody was iffy on the whole "getting along" thing, he didn't hate Alejandro's company but he didn't like it either*

*after a while of him thinking he finally replied*
"Fine, I guess we'll have to abandoned the investigation and our boss will likely fire us for missing a very important day of work but I guess its fine"

*Alejandro patted Cody on the back*
"Don't worry, it's already taken care of, I asked the boss in advance, so you have no excuse"

*Alejandro pulled a very reluctant Cody out of the building*

-they arrive at the diner-
2:37pm or 14:37

*they sat down at a booth across from each other, it was very awkward, neither of them said anything to each other until eventually Alejandro spoke*

"So Cody, what are you ordering?.."

*Cody looked at the menu*
"I'll have the fries.. just fries"

*Alejandro nods*
"I'll get the number 5"

*both of them looked at their menus, not looking at one another to avoid eye contact*

*they eventually got their orders, but it was still silent*

*Cody finally spoke*
"So, why did you become a detective?"

*Alejandro thought for a bit then he replied*
"Well I find their work interesting so I decided to become a detective"

*Alejandro then asks Cody*
"How about you?.. why did you become a detective"

*Cody thought and smiled reminiscing on the past*
"Well if you really want to know, its kinda burry for me.. but I remember it very clearly still, if that makes sense"

*Cody took a deep breath*
"There was this one detective.."

-flash back-

*it was November 29th years ago*

*it was a lovely day out, the snow was gently falling down*

*there was a detective, they were peacefully walking down the sidewalk before they got ambushed with tons of reporters asking him about different things*

*a crowd began to form around the detective, they looked around for a way to leave, but then they stopped*

*the detective spotted someone.. a boy*

*this boy was trying to look at the detective but the crowd was covering his view so he squeezed his way through it to get to the front*

*the detective took notice of the boy and went over to him*

*he crouched down to the boy's height and gave him a smile*

*the detective said in a comforting in tone*

*the boy looked up at the detective, he said nothing but his eyes said it all, his eyes were lit up with joy and his wide smile was prominent*

"Not talking eh?"

*the boy was speechless, he continued to look up at them*

*the detective continued to smile, they pat the boy on the head*

"You seem like a good kid"

*the detective handed the boy a candy bar*

*the boy looked at the candy bar then back at the detective, he smiled at them*

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*the boy looked at the candy bar then back at the detective, he smiled at them*

*the detective smiled back at the boy, they stood up and walked away taking the crowd and the reporters with them*

*the boy was still there with the candy bar in hand, this small gesture meant everything to this kid*

-back to the diner-

"And that's why I became a detective"
*Cody smiled*

*Alejandro smiled as well*
"Thats a nice story.."

*Cody took out the candy bar that the thief gave him the night prior*

"I wonder how they knew.."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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