Bio of Lua

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Here's the detail about Lua...

Lua von Darkus the 3rd (character)

Lua von Darkus the 3rd (character)

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Alias: Kiva, Kiva the Night (Shadow Garden alias), Demon Prince, Owari Rin (past life name)

Race: Demon

Age: 15 (past life), 16

Height: 182 cm

Hair Color: Black & white

Eye Color: Blue (normal), red (disturb mood)

Birthday: ???

Relatives: Unnamed parents (past life), unnamed siblings (past life), Aldius von Darkus (father), Vyra von Darkus (mother)

Occupation: Prince, student, student council, "informant"

Affiliation: Darkus Empire, Shadow Garden, Midgar Royal Spellsword Academy


In his past life, as Rin, Lua has similar appearance but his hair is fully black and his eyes are black. He mostly seen wearing patient robe due never left the hospital.

After reincarnated as "Lua von Darkus the 3rd," his appearance doesn't change much other than some of his hair are white, his eyes can change between blue and red depend on time or even his mood, and there's a burn like scar at his nose. 

As a student, Lua wears Midgar Royal Spellsword Academy male school uniform. During outdoor subject, he wear the P.E. outfit.

Lua's casual outfit mostly sleevless white jacket with long sleeve black shirt inside, long blue pants and a pair of white shoes. At the back of his jacket, there is a red rose crest there.


Lua is a humble and generous person, never thinking highly of himself. He hardly show any sign of losing his cool and always keep his composure. Despite being a demon, Lua view himself as a "normal person" and didn't use his power nor his status for any unnecessary purpose. Being a prince, Lua is charismatic and skillful future leader, able to influence people merely from his acts and words, making many people not just from his nation, but other nation become admired by him.

However, Lua has a hidden darker side. When Lua become Kiva, he become colder and ruthless but he still keep his normal personality, though sometimes speak in rowdy manner. When he lose his cool, Lua would go on a rampage of kill to those he view as enemy, and get angered easily when he encounter people that does not view "life" as valuable. This possibly because Lua is the person who wants to live as much as he wanted due unable to do so in the past life. Though unlike Shadow who likes to show off, Lua genuinely wish to help people even if he has to remain hidden in the shadows.

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