Hidden History

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It has been a year since Lua last meet with Cid and Seraphine. They still "talking" through exchange of letters. Cid still telling Lua about how he decide to expend Shadow Garden while Lua is off in his "secret mission" and Alpha has been "collecting" more of the descendents of the legendary Three Heroes. While unable to meet them, Lua still happy because they keep in contact with them. But while Lua remain in the palace, he will soon found about the truth.

(Darkus Empire)

Like how it is, the empire is currently in the time of peace and keep the control of all parts of the nation, including keep the other nations in check.

(Royal Capital)

At the royal capital, the shops and other building just opened at the early morning and few people have awaken up. And during their preparation for the day, there is one individual who is at the center of it who is moving around the city.

"Oh, it's the prince!"

"Prince Lua!"

Through the streets, Lua is showing running across the streets in his "jogging" while looking around the people. Like how they greet him, he greet them back.

Lua: *narrating* It's been a year since I last see Cid and Sera, and now I'm 12. And I have been working hard so I can succeed. I also will enroll to Darkus Magic Academy next month, so I need to be able to keep up with everyone else!

After running across the capital, Lua stops at a small bridge and take a short break there. He take out a bottle of water from his "magic storage" and take a drink.

Lua: Ahhh! This is so refreshing!

He look toward the villages that located outside the capital, using his magic eyes to look in very long distance.

Lua: Looks like the villages around the area seems to be fine. *stand up* I think it is better for me to get back to the palace or Mother would be worried of me.

He turns around and quickly run head back to the palace, like his usual daily jogging routine.

(Time Skip)
(Royal Palace)

After returning to the palace, Lua wash himself and change into his common formal like attires. He went to the dining room and have a breakfast along with Vyra. Lua tell that he got another letter from Cid and Seraphine, making her happy because he able to become fine friends with them. Vyra also looking forward that Lua would be taking enroll at the Darkus Magic Academy.


At the library, Lua is reading some books while sitting on the small ladders. He become much more diligent in studies than before, and not even running away anymore so Nidae don't have to look at him too much.

Lua: *in mind* Charisma, knowledge, skill, power, and everything... It need a lot of things to become a fine ruler. But I will learn much more than I need to!

While reading the book, Lua senses that he is being watched before turn around. But seeing no one is around, Lua shake off the feelings and continue on studying. Though his weird feeling was right, there are someone who watching him. Or more like "someones." From the side of the shelves, three small item mechanical organic like beings are watching Lua.

???: Looks like this guy is really taking his role seriously.

???: But I am curious on what kind of Kiva will he be.

???: *ancient language* ...

They continue to watch Lua who focus in his studies. He even went to the private study area in the library that only he can go as the future ruler. After studying for hours, Lua starting to feel sleepy after he put away the books he just finished reading.

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