after the battle of dark and light

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Starlight's POV:
the one I'd come to know as second coming has had powers all along. I should have guessed. An unanticipated emerald green blast knocked my comrade and best friend out of the sky. A line went deep into the ground leading to the hill. The cursor carried him out of dark's small base after he closed the gates. I watched as the chosen one bowed to the one of unknown power. I call him that as he did not remember or know why chosen was bowing to him. I waited as they flew back to their home, soon followed by chosen. The second they were all gone I flew fast as possible along the line in the ground until I got to where my fallen comrade lay. His armbands were broken and there was no heartbeat. I picked up his armbands, then levitating him and teleported us back home to our castle. Sometimes I feel like I take this gift for granted. This was one of those times. I put him on a workbench in the smithing room while I worked on his broken armbands. Soon enough I had them back together, then I tried to bring him back to life. 10 times it failed, over and over, until I had an idea. He had warned me not to put in all of them, he had tried once, and almost died, but this time, I had no other options left. I took a deep breath, and slipped his on. I immediately felt the immense power overtake me. My eyes glowed red, sparking with black electricity. I struggled to stand, to do anything, but I did. I stood and used the power and surrounded him in it, floating him. His eyes shoot open, red like him.
Dark Lord POV:
My body overcame with pain as I felt life returning to my body. I felt myself falling to the ground, weak. I hit the ground, from not high in the air. My armbands had been removed, so I couldn't fly. I see 2 things fly past me and hit the wall. My armbands! On the ground was starlight, buzzing with power. I grabbed and put in my armbands and went over to her.
"Starlight, Starlight! Are you okay?" Starlight looks at me, I could tell she looked drained, tired.
"Y-yeah I'm fine." She said, getting up. I then put the pieces together. She had thrown the armbands off, after- after- what had she been doing? What had I been doing? One moment I got blasted out of the sky by SC, the next I woke up here.
"You, died- you're okay now right?" She told me.
"I- died? Is that why I suddenly-" I gasp, realization dawning on me. " You used all the armbands at once!"
"Y-yes, i-it was the only way." She stutted.
"Okay..." Truth is, I was so relieved that she had servived. She informed me on what had happened.
"So we need both of them" I said after she was finished with her story.
"Good, I have just the man to do it"

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