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A teenage stick figures from digitown saw a black figure using fire power to enter a hole in the sky. She ran from her boring town to find the excitement of what happened. Day after day she went there, searching for anything adventurous. One afternoon, the figure flew out of the sky followed by 5 falling ones. She watched from the trees as they climbed out of the lake below and listened as they talked about "the chosen one" and "the Dark Lord". Soon enough, they walked away, and so did she, to a shack that never has people in it; she usually uses it as a little base. As she got closer, she noticed that a red stick figure was inside. Apon closer inspection, he was typing on a computer, and had black armbands glowing with red energy. She was nervous about what looked to be a figure of power, but nevertheless, walked inside. She waited for him to notice her, but after a while of silence, said something.
"Greetings" she said finally.
"Greetings" he said back, looking at her and kicking his feet up on the table and closing his computer. "What do you want?" His tone was dull, seemingly uninterested, yet it filled all the space.
"Nothing, just saw a black stick figures fly into a hole in the sky with fire and laser eyes a couple days ago and have been back here every day since." He smirked, I could tell he knew more than he was letting on, but I didn't really care.
"What's your name?" He asked me, standing up to examine her more thoroughly.
"Starlight. And you must be the Dark Lord." He gave me a look.
"How did you know that?" He asked.
"Some stick figures that fell out of the sky were talking about a 'Dark Lord', and you seem to fit the bill: tall, red, fangs, and a bit of an attitude."
"A bit is an understatement" he laughed.
"What are those armbands, by the way? Can I try one on?"
"They are powerful armbands that can do anything, made of pure concentrated dark lightning, I made them myself. So no, you may not"
"Aw man..." He smirked again.
"What if I could offer you a job that would let you."
"That sounds cool"
"My right hand to be clear."
"I'm in!" He slipped one of his armbands off and onto her arm, making it clear that she should use it wisely. She agrees and tries to activate it. A black blade appears in the armband, glowing and made of energy. He looked at her, she was a fast learner. He took her to a castle, abandoned, viney, and filled with cracks, and told her to fix it up. Soon she had removed the vines, fixed the cracks, and darkened the tone of the bricks. He looked at her proudly.
"Oh, I'm not done yet!" She yelled to him. She added dark red sparks of electricity going up the castle walls to prevent intruders and flags. Removing the old ones and putting on new ones, red in color, with a black lightning bolt across it.
"Perfect" he said. They went inside and she added the first obvious step, a black throne with red lightning going from it to the floor. Next a small army, made of the same thing as the armbands. Finally, a crown, matching the armband. They smirked at each other for a minute. After a while, he called her.
"I have a gift for you. I feel that we are connected somehow. Close your eyes." She complied. When she opened them, two armbands like his own were in front of her, a gem in the middle made of the material. They were gold in color, she put hers on and gave his back. A feeling of power filled her, unlike with his. When she had been given his, there was an initial feeling of power as soon as she put them on, but this was different. She could feel the power surging through her, she could tell these were much more powerful instantly.
"I don't want you to be my right hand, but my partner in crime. Are you ready to take over this wold, and rule it with an iron fist?" She cackled.
"Oh, am I!"

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