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Chosen POV:
We got everyone back up to the computer and I found out that she can fly. Not with anything like my powers, but an unknown one. I have a feeling it has something to do with her armbands, but I have no way to test this theory; she refuses to tell us anything about them, refuses to let us put them on, and refuses to take them off. cursors, she even refuses to let us touch them! She seems to be pretty cheerful, so I can't accuse her of anything without proof. I sat quietly in a corner as they all introduced themselves.
We all go into the fighting stick figures tab as chosen backs into the corner as usual. He's never been too talkative around the sticks. .
"Well, now that we're back home," I start. "We should introduce ourselves."
"Right, I'm Starlight." she says.
"Actually, I've never seen anyone like you before;" Green says. "Gradient arms and legs. How did you do that? Dye tattoos or have you always been like that?"
"Since I was about ten!"
"Do you like animals?" red of course.
"Or plants?" Blue this time.
"Well, I've lived my whole life in digitown. I haven't seen much." Starlight says. They continue to talk and I glance at chosen in the corner. Let's just hope he doesn't do anything rash if he is in a bad mood.
I pace around the room, wondering how long this will take.
"Sir, this will take a while. Possibly weeks. You cannot rush this. You must calm down." Says a nearby energy soldier.
"Did I ask for your opinion?" I snapped. I swear, this is why I have a bad reputation; people being stupid and getting on my nerves I think.

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