you traitor

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So imma be honest with y'all I got no motivation whatsoever ^^

I've been busy but I got one story coming up it's a story of

The amazing digital circus
(Currently in editing)

And with that is the final chapter (that I make
This month probably hopefully not)


The pink haired girl turned to look at him

Though it was not obvious tears were threatening to fall

She whispered the words
"I'm sorry"

Damian looked at her then at his
Limp father

Although he didn't know much
About his father he still cared
even after all his father put him through
(Being ignored)

He once again looked at her
One tear had overflown
From her face

Just then a masked man
and a masked woman appeared

They looked at him
Then the masked woman took Anya
And the man turned to face him

He then spoke

"You didn't see anything

Daimion said in fear
(You stupid.)

Then he left
After that Damian ran to his father
Checking to see if he was still alive

He wasn't

He ran to the phone and called the ambulance

(Time skip)

Damian tapped his shoe while in the waiting room

*Tap tap tap*

The nurse walked in
"Sir I'm sorry but your fathers heart
Stopped beating a long time ago"

Damian looked at her with dead eyes

"Okay thank you for all you've done"

The nurse left

Then Damian left

Hello I'm still alive (:
Merry Christmas btw

I'm sorry btw I kinda ....
Anyways see ya maybe

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love You [Damian X Anya]Where stories live. Discover now