Somethings Off...

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I love you is back (:

Nobody's pov

Damian had arrived at the party
Without letting Becky know
To save him the trouble of her yelling
At him

He looks around looking for something.
No. Someone

He walks around for a bit
Continuing the search for this person

He suddenly stops
As he sees the one he's been looking for


He starts to move forward
Only to see another man talking to her

He death stares at the man
The man noticed that he was being
Stared at
But he wasn't sure from who or where
So he talked to Anya and then left

Damian assumed he said goodbye
Then walked up to Anya

"Hey, you busy?"
Said Damian to make conversation

"No, not really"
Answered Anya with a blank face
As if she were bored

Out of nowhere, Damian had a flashback


"Hey sy-on boy "
Says little Anya with
A lively smile

"Look what I found"
Anya says while holding up a daisy
And smiling

End of flashback


Earth to Damian"

Damian blinked
He saw Anya looking annoyed while
Holding her hand in front of
She was snapping her fingers

"Oh sorry"
Damian then realized she said
Damian not Syon boy

He quickly realized that something was off
About Anya
She was acting different

he confirmed it when she
Insulted damian

"Ugh this is why
we're not friends"
Anya said with an annoyed look

"you're not Anya"
Damian said realizing

He then took her by the wrist
to the lounge
Where nobody could see them

He then said
"Who are you and what have you done
With Anya?"

Authors note

Hi welcome back I did just leave you on a cliffhanger see you next Saturday

You'll find out who she is and why she's there (;


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