Embarassing Day

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Deku practically jumps out of bed, very excited about the stuff they will be doing.

He gets ready and heads to class, greeted by his friends once again. The bell rings and everyone heads to their seats.

Aizawa walks into the room and starts, "Okay everyone sit with your groups, I've decided that this might be to crazy if I let you guys pick your groups. So sorry to disappoint you, but I'll be picking parters for you. "

Everyone groans and Aizawa sensei continues, "Okay, let me pick the groups now.

Denki and Kirishima

Mina and Ochako

Tsuyu and Todoroki

Sero and Mineta

Momo and Toru


Bakugou and Midoriya

The rest of you could figure something out becuase your not problem children."

Everyone scrambled around looking for their partners.

Bakugou walks up to Deku with his hands in his pockets.

Deku blushes and looks down. Bakugou does the same but tries to cover his face.

"Ok once you've got your partners follow me." Aizawa sensei says.

They follow Aizawa to the buses out back.

"We're gonna be taking a bus to the hospital, two people per seat. In other words, sit with your partner."

Everyone gets on the bus and they take a 15 min trip to the elementary school.


"So you guys need to head to the back of the school becuase right now that's where the kids are having recess."

The whole class goes outside to see little kindergarteners playing with eachother.

"Aww they're so cute." Ochako says, with stars in her eyes.

"I agree they're adorable" says deku.

"Tch whatever" says Bakugou

"Listen up people", Aizawa says, "You guys could go interact with them, show them some hero stuff so you could inspire them to be heroes.. Ok have fun!"

Aizawa takes out his sleeping bag, crawls back into it, and dozed off.

Deku looks around to see if there are any kids that aren't with the rest of class 1a. He spots one on the swing.

Deku runs over to her and Bakugou follows.

"Hey, I'm deku, and this is Dynamight." He says pointing to himself and then Bakugou. "what's your name?"

"Ari.." the child says, still swinging.

"Do you have a quirk yet?.."

"I don't know.." Ari says getting a bit sad,

"Hey don't be sad! Your gonna get your quirk soon!"

Bakugou smiles and Ari does to.

"Piggy back ride!" Ari says jumping up on Bakugou's back.

"Hey hey watch it-"

"It's okay Kacchan, let me play with her."

"Here ya go." Bakugou slides Ari off his back and gives her to deku.

"Hmm, can we do something fun?" Says Ari

"Ok, what do you want to do?" Says Bakugou

"I don't kno- AAAAA" Ari sees a bright pink ray from her hands, getting up, she looks around in shock.

"No Ari!!" Bakugou tries to block but he was too late. Deku gets hit with a powerful ray making him fall to the ground.

"Agh... w-what just happened...." Deku says still in a daze.

Bakugou stands there, his mouth open in shock, a blush appearing on his face.

"Eh? Why are you looking at me like that??"

He gets up and feels a heavy weight on his chest. He looks down, and he realizes that he has breasts now. And they were irregularly large.

Deku blushes a deep red and covers his chest.

Making up his mind he starts to run to Aizawa sensei, Bakugou running after him.

"Wait! Do you really what anyone to see you right now?" Bakugou says holding onto deku's shirt.

"Your right. Can you please call Aizawa Sensei here and quick?"

"Sure.." he lets go and runs to go get Aizawa.

"I'm so sorry Mr Deku!!" Says Ari obviously very worried. She twiddles her fingers as she waits for a response.

"I-It's okay Ari" deku says rubbing his head.

Word count - 636

Thanks for reading 😌

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