Chapter 1

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It was a month before Halloween, Becky had just finished decorating the entire studio while having her Halloween makeup on as she loves Halloween and is practically a professional makeup artist as well... one of her many talents... with the Halloween decorations done, she got down from the ladder and started moping the floors with the mop from the janitor's closet.

Despite being homeless, she's still in high spirits because working in the studio was her only escape from her abusive family. All they did was steal from her all the time and treated her like a house maid whenever she goes back home. She only goes back home whenever she needs to. Because her mother is abusive and would hit her whenever she sees Becky as her mom is also a drug addict while her dad is a alcoholic and would also hit her all the time when she don't give him the money for his alcohol, so basically her parents are both dead beat.

As for her spoiled brothers, they take after their parents too as well by constantly hitting her when she don't give them any money for their games and cigarettes. Basically all of her family members are fucked up.

After finishing her work for the day, it was already time for dinner. She was so busy working that she didn't even had time to eat breakfast and lunch.

After she made sure no one was around, she went straight to her secret spot and ate some expired cereal that she had found from dumpster diving because it was all she could do with no money due to her dad always stealing from her to buy his alcohol and her brothers stealing from her to gamble. Basically her whole family steals from her almost all the time.

At this point Becky only has herself to depend on just because she's the middle child and her dead beat parents only love her oldest and youngest brothers because she's the only girl they have. And they prefer males over females...

After she was done with her meal, she got back to work and continued to clean the pantry a little before going back to her secret spot without realizing Dom was following behind her, just when she was about to wipe her makeup off and call it a day, she heard a unfamiliar sound coming from the opposite side of her sponges which she uses as a pillow and mattress.

"Woah!! Someone's in the mood for Halloween already?!" She turned around and got a shock as she saw a unknown guy seated on top of one of the crates.

She just stood there in silence and got up "I'm sorry I didn't see you there... how long have you been sitting there and how did you know about this place?" And he just looked at her with a cheeky smile on his face "I kinda followed you because I was intrigued by your amazing makeup skills."

She panicked "you cannot tell anyone about this place please!!" She begged for Dom to not tell and Dom nodded with a smile "fine. It'll be our little secret."

Becky sighed in relived while keeping her makeup on to avoid revealing her true identity.

Dom looked at her "so what's all this?" He asked and she got nervous and lied "it's just some sponges nothing much I just like relaxing here because it's peaceful here." And Dom nodded "yeah this place is kinda nice."

Becky just stood there awkwardly while hoping that Dom would leave soon because she needs to sleep and get up in 2 hours for her next job.

"Will you please do my Halloween makeup tomorrow? I need it for a photo shoot." He looked at Becky and asked, she didn't know what do or how to reply so she just nodded "sure I guess... what time do you need it to be done by?" "2pm".

Becky gasped and checked the time on the broken clock on the wall "well fine. Meet me here at like 11am tomorrow and please don't be late".

"I won't!" Dom replied before leaving happily.

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