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"With great honor and faith, I'm happy to announce robotic nerves. A nerve system to tap into ones emotions and reduce stress by a mere pill" an unknown stranger displays a green pill. "A pill that'll reduce your stress levels and turn it into dopamine" the stranger announces on live television, TGGA new found product. A chemical that'll alter ones stress with no strings attached but if only the world knew what's TGGA true target.

Erix quickly stuffs a bag with papers, journals and a tape recorder while the announcement brought cheers and applause. With labored heavy breathing and a cautious glance over his shoulders "I know yeah...I'd be there" Erix listens to the other voice on the phone as he loads his bag. Lying, the ginger was lying to his boss "Yes, I know but I'm not one for the huge crowds and stuff" Erix was meant to be there, the big announcement. 

Erix scrambles about his lab "I know but I had a project I wanted to wrap up" Erix boss grumbles and huffs "You and those bloody chemicals man". Erix twitches as he hears echos of footsteps, heavy and strong "yeah bye, sorry boss" Erix hangs up and quickly fumbles to duck and hides under his desk. "Did you hear something David?" The footsteps halt at the wooden door and with a faint twist of the knob David peeks his head through the door. 

"I thought I heard Doc" Erix covers his mouth as Daivd round about his small set up of a lab "Doc, called in sick remember". Rodger stands at the door way while David lets out a heavy gruff huff "now I'm hearing things...Doc better come back tomorrow, I can't take another day of his nagging assistant". Rodger snorts out a laugh "me and you bud" David closes and locks the door accompanied by Rodger. 

Erix peeks over his desk and lets out a shuffle of a sigh and with a quick glance of his watch Erix is up and settles a small case in his bag. Erix takes a step outside the window and sets himself upon the roof and a little jiggle he closes the window. Descending a pipe, hoping the said pipe won't cave into his weight and give him away.
Once Erix's feet meet solid ground, he crawls and weaves through overgrown bushes and mount a metal fence into an alleyway. In the clear the ginger runs with a phone in hand as he dials a number, praying and hoping it still works and hasn't been passed off to another.   

Running down the streets looking over his shoulder and pleading under his breath "c'mon please, pick up!" with a light click and a familiar voice answer from the other side. "Kate Laswell speaking" Erix smiles and lets out a small whine of a sob "'s me Eri, I've something for you. Please I understand you don't want to talk to me but I have no one else to turn to". Kate fell silent, which made Erix believe she had hung up or left him to hang out to dry. 

"What do you have?" she spoke as if she wasn't alone "Makarov wishes to use a chemical...a chemical I created. I never intended any of this to happen, I thought he wanted a new age of genetics but I was wrong". Kate frowns from the other side as she records the message unknown to the man. "What does it do?" Erix stops in his tracks with a light gasp "I... I need you to know I never meant for anyone to get hurt. Ivan promised nothing would happen but..." Erix bites his bottom lip. 

"Kate...I'm in Amsterdam and I wish to give this to you in person" Erix hangs up and bolts in a opposite direction with a few police officers hot on his tail. Erix skids and scraps with heavy breathing and desperately keeps distance. Coming to a small halt, the ginger dashes and wiggles between a tough cramp space, his hands pressed up against a brick wall while his back is warming against the brick wall behind him. Slowly and cautiously maneuvering his bag ahead of him "Oy, his down here!" Erix takes in a deep breath and pulls through until the end.

Watching as the two officers attempt to pursue the ginger, Erix doesn't waste time and runs off in a beeline. "C'mon C'mon" the ginger tries almost every door he comes across until finally a door caves in and swings open with a whoosh. Erix shuts and slides down the door covering his mouth as he listens to the approaching footsteps "where is he!" one demands while the other heaves and puffs. 

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